Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Mixed Emotions.....
I woke up way too early this 4 a.m. Way too early! I could not go back to sleep...way too much on my mind, like could I call in sick and stay home on this beautiful spring day??? Sounds so good, but oh is Easter cookie lab day and no sub will cover that activity so I guess to work I go.
On the way to work I called to talk to Tim. He was contemplating the fact that turning in his resignation from the Navy was imminent and I probably did not understand how he felt about that. He knows it is what he wants to do but really doing it...that is a big step. Well, he had that conversation with the right person..I do know. I have basically quit work...after this year if I am not a part time employee then I am no longer an employee. My choice, my decision. I just cannot take on the task of all new curriculum and new subjects at this point in my I said the word to those that matter...RETIRE.
Oh my gosh that is hard. I seriously had one of the best days at work today ever. My students are amazing...simply amazing. We made cookies. I do that lab once each semester and it never ceases to amaze me how much fun the kids have with bags of frosting.
They are so intent with food colors. It is an art form to them and they take their job very seriously. I just stand back and laugh. It is a mess...a HUGE mess and the laundry and clean up afterward is overwhelming but oh so worth it.
I may not be here to do this next year :( Someone else might be directing my kids....yes, they are MY kids. I love them and they have made me laugh way more days than they have made me mad.
I took this job at a time in my life when I really did not know why I would make a career change that would send me back to college at 52 years old but God had a plan, I just did not know it.
We lost Matt in October of that first year I spent in the classroom. Two weeks after the accident when I did not even want to get out of bed... I had too. I had to return to work. And on what I thought would be another one of my worst days...walking back into that classroom a way different person than I was when I had left two weeks was one of my best days. There were 150 kids who were waiting patiently for me to come back because they missed me. Those kids gave me a reason to get dressed in the morning and face another day.
And these kids continue to bring me joy every day. They need me.....and they fullfill my need to nurture. They teach me everyday about patience and the things I have been blessed with. There are so many of these kids that have nothing...but they are hoping for better for themselves. It is so much easier to teach them than the kids who have everything for they are grateful and they appreciate.
So I do changes courses and sometimes those changes are inevitable and maybe very hard. I am still not sure how I feel about retiring. I have a very long bucket list and I do not want to run out of time but I am glad that my life included a job that I really do not want to leave...not one I am dying to get away from.
Friday, March 26, 2010
iPhone Addiction....
Clipping coupons use to consume my life...not only clipping but also running all around town making purchases with them. Oh, I am so over that now. I have moved on. I am a big girl now. Coupons are a thing of the past. I now have an iPhone addiction.
It is my constant companion. I NEVER used to know where my cell phone was (wow, is that an antiquated word now...cell phone??). I never had it with me. It was always lost. I hardly ever used it. My husband had to leave me notes to please take it with me so he could reach me....I just plain old did not like a cell phone. But then something magical happened!!! Tim's phone fell in our pool and I had to give him my cell so he would have a means of communication...a must for a fighter pilot of course. I guess I better get myself an iPhone because that is what all the hype is about and I must be missing something.
Oh my, it was the end of life as I knew it. A whole new world opened up. It is my watch, my alarm clock, my internet, my radio, my weather channel for every city I might ever want to visit, my photo album, my calendar, my notebook, my camera, my GPS and the list goes on. It is always with me. I take it to bed, to the store, outside, inside and everywhere else. I play games, search new apps, and keep up with about everyone I ever met through FACEBOOK. I am a social network maniac.
I no longer hate to sit in traffic or sit at red lights...I love it!!! I can fit in a game of Bejeweled Blitz in the minute I am idle. In a long line at the drive through window at the bank...who cares...text a friend!!! I am more patient now. I love being stuck somewhere....I can download a new app.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Introducing Kotoine......
This beautiful young man is Kotoine Leshan Parkesui. He is the child I have chosen to sponsor through COMPASSION. I have given much though to taking this step because it is a big step. This is not a one month commitment. It is a long commitment and the decision was not easy. I am very much one to make hasty choices and then regret them later. This is something I will not regret. It was well thought out and prayed about and now that the steps have been taken I am so very relieved that I did my research and moved forward on this.
Kotoine is 7 years old and his home is Ewaso Ngiro, Kenya. It is a village in Africa where living conditions are well below what I can wrap my mind around. There are approximately 10,000 inhabitants of this area and the average male is a farmer who earns $20 a month.
Kotoine is one of 3 children. Though his father is employed as a farmer, his mother is at home daily caring for the family.

There are so many opportunities for sponsorship of needy youth such as this. After the tragedies in Haiti, I became more interested in ways of helping those in such destitute situations. Thought Haiti is an admirable cause, I think I wanted more of a connection....more of a hands on knowledge of where my $$$"s were going and what exactly they were accomplishing. After much research, I knew this is where my heart was. The COMPASSION sponsorship provides these young children with clothing and necessities to attend school and therefore enables them to move beyond these deplorable conditions someday. The money is closely monitored and accounted for and in an area where the income is $20 per month, this small contribution monthly allows a chance that these kids might otherwise never be offered.

COMPASSION allows you to choose the child you would like to sponsor. It provides the tools for you to have contact with your sponsor child and to send and receive correspondence. Monetary gifts are not permissible outside of the monthly contribution but gifts are allowed at Christmas and on birthdays. It has given me a sense of peace knowing that this young man may have a chance to go beyond the conditions he has been exposed to for seven years. The dollar amount is insignificant for as I think of the money that I needlessly spend each month, this seems trivial. I hope to have updates on his schooling and progress throughout the year. It has become personal now. It is not just a check to the Red Cross or a contribution at church. My commitment has a name and a face and my hopes are for a brighter future for this young man.
"...and whoever welcomes a little child like this in my name welcomes Me"
Matthew 18:5
Sunday, March 21, 2010
A Best Friend's Wedding.....
On the first day of spring when two of our favorite people were supposed to be married on the fairway of a beautiful golf course, nature took over and covered the ground with snow instead of rose petals and wedding guests. Who could have guessed that another record snowfall could have fallen on a day when we usually see 70 degrees and clear blue skies?
The wedding and guests moved indoors to the restaurant area and the celebration was just as special for everyone who was there.
John has been a very important part of our family forever. I have woke up and found him camped out at our home way more times than I can count and I am always glad to see him. He is a kind, caring young man who has found a beautiful bride and friend for a lifetime. It was a joy to be part of their wedding day.
It was fun to be with all of the "kids" that have been part of our family since their kindergarten years. They are grown now..... some married with children. It is hard to believe that the time has past so quickly. They have all become responsible young adults who are sharing special moments with each other like we did with our friends. Memories that will be with them forever.

Drew took his best man duties quite seriously, especially when it was time to collect a little extra honeymoon cash for the newlyweds. I watched carefully and I am sure he did not pocket a cent of it but I am not quite sure the same can be said for the maid of honor. I think she might have snuck some of the loose change in her dress.!!!
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Spring Break....BROKE!!!!!
Well it started out looking like a great week...perfect weather for getting out and sprucing up some of those things that winter left looking shabby. Have to start with replacing the worn door decor with something springlike. Perfect!! Now I am feeling better about things in general. Kind of like starting out fresh with a new season coming on.
Next it was off to the nursery for some plants...that is always the highlight of spring break week! Digging in the dirt and planting flowers is therapeutic. I filled in the planters and gardens with fresh dirt and fertilizer so all those tiny plants would have nourishment for proper growth..only the best for my begonias!

Of course, I had to make a run to the quilt store. The second most therapeutic thing is fabric and a sewing machine so now I am set for staying in and clearing all of the winter cobwebs out of my fogged head....I am so ready!
Oh, in between trips to the store I managed to get Ozzie in for his spring he is feeling good about things too!
Did I mention that on one of my trips to a garden center I found this great chair...or set of chairs for my backyard. Yes, they were not on my list of things to spend money on but they just called my name and now they are on my patio and I must say I do like the way they look.
So with all of the errands run, money spent, and things in place for a restful week, I pulled into my garage ready to begin planting, sewing, cleaning, and enjoying the weather. Well, I am now in my garage and in my house permanently (at least for now) because as I enthusiastically closed the garage it had a mind of it's own about things and reversed. Yes, it reversed and the top panel crumbled in front of my eyes. Much to my horror I am not only stuck, I now have a nice big repair bill to pay. So, just is a fact. Now I am really spring break BROKE!
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Brooklynn Update.....
It has been awhile since I have had any new pics of Brooklynn so here is an update on my growing grandchild. And, oh is she growing!! I think she must be glued to the fitness channel and ready to do a few push ups to get swim suit can you put on that new bikini without a workout! Maybe I should join in...or maybe there is no hope for my thighs!
First meal for the tiny tot...maybe something fun like rice cereal! Wait until she can gnaw on one of those luscious rib bones or hot wings that her daddy likes to cook!
I will have an opportunity to visit in April when Tim has his shoulder repaired excited to see her and watch all her new tricks. So much fun watching all of her accomplishments...even if it is long distance!

Saturday, March 13, 2010
You Might Be A Redneck If....
Your neighbors stand in amazement at the fact that you will probably live there way longer than they would like and there is not a darn thing they can do about it.....
Yes, you might be a redneck if you are my son who prides himself in his smoked brisket, loves his truck, has a beer pong table mounted to the wall of his garage, wears a cowboy hat in the hot tub, and thinks his hard hat is what is making his hair fall out. But, given the chance to trade him in on a new model I just think I will hang on to him because he is my youngest child and has a heart unmatched by anyone else.
Friday, March 12, 2010
One of the two best reasons to be a teacher!!! I am now three hours into spring break and I am a new person!!! The weather forcast says BEAUTIFUL and I am going to take advantage of every single hour that I am off. Plans for the week...nothing! I am going to wake up late and just lay there and decide what sounds like fun for the day. Maybe I will sew, maybe read, maybe eat lunch with friends, or maybe just lay there until 10 in the morning thinking about it. All I know is that I have been looking forward to this since Christmas and I am ever so glad it has arrived!!
Monday, March 8, 2010
A Little Dessert....
We found the perfect dessert recipe and from what I hear from all that ate it this afternoon it is a winner. So here you go:
Apple Dumplings
2 Granny Smith Apples
2 cans crescent rolls
2 sticks butter
1 1/2 cups sugar
1 tsp. vanilla
cinnamon sugar mixture
small can Mountain Dew soda
Peel and core the apples. Cut each apple into 8 slices. Roll each apple slice in a crescent roll. place in a 9x13 inch buttered pan. Melt butter and then add sugar and barely stir. Add vanilla, stir and pour entire mixture over apples (do not over stir this mixture.) Pour Mountain Dew around the edges of the pan. Sprinkle with cinnamon sugar and bake at 350 degrees for about 35 minutes or until browned. Serve warm with ice cream.
It is beyond delicious.
Check out more great recipes at "The Pioneer Woman" on my sidebar!!
Friday, March 5, 2010
A Resemblance?....
It is the age old question when babies are born..."Who does he/she look like?" We have all asked that about Brooklynn since she arrived and to this point it has been a mystery to me.
I just think she looks like herself. No family resemblance anywhere as far as I could tell. Just a precious little auburn haired girl with beautiful eyes and a great toothless smile. That was until last night when her mommy sent a new pic...gotta love a daughter in law who keeps me up to date with pictures. Oh my goodness!!! I was sure I was looking at Tim 32 years ago! I had to dig through the old pics and there it was....Tim in the bath tub with the same face....she does look like someone...her dad.
They surely have the same hair and eyes. This might only be a fleeting thing. In six months she may look like her mom, but for today I feel like I am looking in the face of my second oldest child. Just hope she does not inherit his clumsiness or mom and dad will be spending lots of time in the emergency room!!!!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010
30 Dozen Donuts.....
I know this is a totally random post but in an effort to photograph something each day, I decided that picking up 30 dozen donuts this morning at 6 a.m. was at the top of todays picture list.
So what was I doing out at that hour of the morning? Grabbing food for the staff at North Garland who was administering the first section of the TAKS test this morning. Choice of morning snack...donuts today. The man at the donut store loves us. It is probably the biggest order he gets each year.
And the teachers....pure JOY! A sugar fix is just the medicine the doctor ordered for 5 hours of strenuous test taking. I have learned. You order mostly blueberry, a few dozen glazed, and some mixed. They think that because a donut has blueberries it is full of antioxidants. I don't argue. If it makes them happy to overdose on donuts then so be it. I just know that making a trip to the donut store before the rooster crows beats standing in a testing room any day. Just call me Mrs. Hospitality Room!!!
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