It is the age old question when babies are born..."Who does he/she look like?" We have all asked that about
Brooklynn since she arrived and to this point it has been a mystery to me.

I just think she looks like herself. No family
resemblance anywhere as far as I could tell. Just a precious little auburn haired girl with beautiful eyes and a great toothless smile. That was until last night when her mommy sent a new pic...gotta love a daughter in law who keeps me up to date with pictures. Oh my goodness!!! I was sure I was looking at Tim 32 years ago! I had to dig through the old pics and there it was....Tim in the bath tub with the same face....she does look like someone...her dad.

They surely have the same hair and eyes. This might only be a fleeting thing. In six months she may look like her mom, but for today I feel like I am looking in the face of my second oldest child. Just hope she does not inherit his clumsiness or mom and dad will be spending lots of time in the emergency room!!!!
Good lookin' little thing!