This beautiful young man is
Kotoine Leshan Parkesui. He is the child I have chosen to sponsor through COMPASSION. I have given much though to taking this step because it is a big step. This is not a one month commitment. It is a long commitment and the decision was not easy. I am very much one to make hasty choices and then regret them later. This is something I will not regret. It was well thought out and prayed about and now that the steps have been taken I am so very relieved that I did my research and moved forward on this.
Kotoine is 7 years old and his home is
Ewaso Ngiro, Kenya. It is a village in Africa where living conditions are well below what I can wrap my mind around. There are approximately 10,000 inhabitants of this area and the average male is a farmer who earns $20 a month.
Kotoine is one of 3 children. Though his father is employed as a farmer, his mother is at home daily caring for the family.

There are so many opportunities for sponsorship of needy youth such as this. After the tragedies in Haiti, I became more interested in ways of helping those in such destitute situations. Thought Haiti is an admirable cause, I think I wanted more of a connection....more of a hands on knowledge of where my $$$"s were going and what exactly they were accomplishing. After much research, I knew this is where my heart was. The COMPASSION sponsorship provides these young children with clothing and necessities to attend school and therefore enables them to move beyond these deplorable conditions someday. The money is closely monitored and accounted for and in an area where the income is $20 per month, this small contribution monthly allows a chance that these kids might otherwise never be offered.
COMPASSION allows you to choose the child you would like to sponsor. It provides the tools for you to have contact with your sponsor child and to send and receive correspondence. Monetary gifts are not permissible outside of the monthly contribution but gifts are allowed at Christmas and on birthdays. It has given me a sense of peace knowing that this young man may have a chance to go beyond the conditions he has been exposed to for seven years. The dollar amount is insignificant for as I think of the money that I needlessly spend each month, this seems trivial. I hope to have updates on his schooling and progress throughout the year. It has become personal now. It is not just a check to the Red Cross or a contribution at church. My commitment has a name and a face and my hopes are for a brighter future for this young man.
"...and whoever welcomes a little child like this in my name welcomes Me"
Matthew 18:5
it's so great you're doing this. your gift will bring such blessing to his life!