We had a lesson this week..."Wants and Needs". It is the beginning of a financial literacy class.
We are starting out with basics simply because this is all totally new to me! So began our discussion on this subject matter. We learned all the definitions and talked about our basic needs...food, water, clothing, shelter. They get this. Let's move on. How about we throw in some other things and decide if they were wants or needs by using all our new found knowledge. We will do this via "philosophical chairs". Okay that is a very fancy sounding word for a debate. I threw out a few things like cars and cell phones. They all had opinions but it was relatively calm. Then I threw out "friends". Oh my, the discussion got heated. We had a division. It was about 75%....no friends are not a need, the other 25% were sure friends were a need not a want. So many comment's..."they snitch you out", "they stab you in the back", "they steal your boyfriend", and so on. They really do not understand the value of a true friend.
So..my overactive mind went to work on this. My friends are a need. Yes, there are only a handful that are permanent and constant but how do you get along without them? They have lifted me out of more valleys than I can count. Together we have also stood on the proverbial mountains together. I don't want them, I NEED them!
Maybe it is adolescence. Maybe someday their cell phone will not be as important to them as a bond with someone. I surely hope so. Today they just see friends as someone who will eventually betray them. I really pray that someday they find those true friends. Mine are like gold.