I spent several days this week packing up once again and boarding the local Dart train to head back to downtown Dallas for another conference. I have never worked so hard in my life...and all of this just to go to work part time!

I am beginning to wonder where the wisdom was in changing my career direction now. It has been quite a challenge just getting ready to work less days...for half the pay!

This week I had to aquaint myself with the new financial curriculum because part of my worklaod will be teaching a new
Dollars and Sense course. Bear in mind that I have NO idea how to teach financial literacy. It is something way out of my comfort zone. Not sure how I got here but I am learning and together (the students and I) will master this course...and possibly be all the better for it. If not..I will address that later in the year!

Classes over, I decided that if I was downtown I might as well take advantage of seeing some of the sights. I have been in Dallas for 44 years and until this summer had only been downtown about twice. Why go? There is not much there. I wandered across the street and saw this man with a broom out on the plaza. The temp was 105 degrees and there he stood...stiff and fully clothed waiting for people to come by and see if he was real or not. I did not get too close. I did see others get close enough to know that he was indeed human...and VERY, VERY hot. Still trying to figure out what the point was.

On the other side of the plaza was a group of beautiful bronze sculptures that were not real but were still very hot!!! I cannot imagine the temperature of that bronze in the full sunlight! Wow...could possibly fry an egg.
What I determined was that I am very well educated. I have spent 8 full days in conferences this summer and have a bagful of pertinent info. I just have to find time to digest it all.
I also know that downtown New York beats downtown Dallas any day of the week!!!
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