So, it is a new school year. I have a new job description, a new classroom, and part time work that will be harder than I ever imagined full time would be. But I am here and I am getting acclimated, and I am going to figure all of this out...after I make my classroom look like my home away from home!!!

Of course, there are the endless faculty meetings. Information that has to be shared with those of us that attempt to educate the masses. Stacks of paperwork, new TEKS, sign this, turn in that, OH MY!

What do you do when it all becomes too much and your mind is on overload....hop on the bus!!!!

And head out to the MAIN EVENT for a fun filled afternoon!

A little friendly competition at the bowling alley never hurt anyone.

And yes, teachers are just kids in adult bodies when you turn them loose together.

I have not bowled in years and the fact that my score was a 31 pretty much tells the story. I stink....actually, most of us did!

And if I did not embarrass myself enough on the bowling lanes, the next event was Laser Tag. Okay without saying exactly how old I am, let me just say I am WAY too old to be running aroung a two story complex with a laser vest and machine gun playing war games! My score was equally as bad as my bowling score!

I have to say we all left with a new attitude and a head clear enough to go back and endure another three days of meetings!
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