I love Halloween! Kids love Halloween! The month of October is spent picking out costumes, picking and carving pumpkins, and enjoying the fall.

Our neighborhood must love halloween too! Each year we hold a carnival complete with bounce houses, clowns, cake walks, and cotton candy. It is time to get out and visit with the neighbors. People that are always in a hurry take time out to hang out. Front yards are full of lawn chairs and kids get to play in the street. Free dinner is included so who is going to pass on the opportunity to enjoy a free meal...NOT ME!

This year gave Brooklynn and I a chance to make an impromptu visit to the pumpkin patch. Walking on them was a lot more fun that picking one to take home. Must say she was not nearly as fascinated by the white pumpkins as I was.
My kids always loved the day. Maybe not nearly as much as I did. I was the guilty parent who could not wait until their kids were tucked in so I could raid the sacks of candy. It was M&M's all the way for me. So...that is what I buy now. There is always the remote chance that we may not pass out our allotment and the remaining ones can be hidden for those days when a little sugar is called for.
Now the "Monster Mash" is put up for another year and sadly enough the Christmas trees are already adorning every retail establishment. Some how we totally bypass Thanksgiving these days. I am guilty of dragging out decorations WAY too early...so this year I am going to avoid the trap. I will serve Thanksgiving dinner with fall decorations still up. It may mean hurried evenings to get the Santa's in place but I am determined. I am going to enjoy the month of November just like I did the Halloween season in October and count my blessings because this year I have so much to be thankful for.
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