A son who is home for Thanksgiving for the first time in 14 years.
A less hectic life now that I am in retirement mode.
Another son who has finished a year long project many miles from home and has hung in there when I know it was tough.
A beautiful granddaughter who gives the best hugs in the world.
A daughter in law who fits in so well and makes me feel needed.
Drew's "special friend" who has become an important part of my family.
Amazing friends who are totally irreplaceable in my life.
Sixty three years of good health and endless energy.
A daughter who sees nothing but good in people and is so grateful for the gifts she has.
A house that is warm and cozy and filled with everything that makes me know it is my HOME.
Enough to allow me to continue to take care of our special "adopted" son in Kenya. Letters from across the world are so important to me. The ability to continue his support is a priceless gift.
My list is so much longer than this but it is time to get back to the kitchen and the pies in the oven.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
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