Nope, I am not
pregnant and fixing to
deliver but somehow the first of the year brings on the same maternal feelings that
come with nesting. It is that need to root through everything, declutter, and reorganize. It is basically a big purge fest around here.

I am not a hoarder, though I can put my hand on my children's SAT scores from 1997 in a heartbeat, but I only weed out once a year. Maybe I do this in place of a normal New Year's resolution that is always a mega FAIL. No loosing weight for me. I can clean. It is something I can actually accomplish.
There are usually some great finds amid the clutter. Exploring boxes of old patterns and old pictures always extends my mission by hours but that is the beauty of the cleanse...unearthed treasure!
It is also a reminder that I have way more than I need and shopping should surely be curtailed IMMEDIATLY.
So I am off to Big Lots for bins...a plastic tub is the cure for piles of mess!!
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