It has been three weeks since Finley arrived. I am saddened by the fact that even though I have been able to see her often, you would not know it by the shortage of photos I have. I can go back and find hundreds of photos of Brooklynn ( pictured above) from birth on. I have recorded every phase of her life...over and over and over again. She has been a victim of my ever present camera.
Finley has not been stalked in the same way. I had to run to the car today to grab a camera to make sure that I have something to look back on in a year. She is beautiful. She is different...from Brooklynn that is. She is totally her mom. She has gorgeous dark hair and a totally different mouth. Mandy will surely be able to claim her as her own.
It makes me wonder how there can be so many different combinations of genes. Two sisters, two totally different faces, and possibly two personalities. Who knows who Finley will become. I am convinced that her pension for being a rough and tumble little girl or a dainty princess type is probably determined somewhat at birth..like hair and eye color.
Genetics is amazing. If I was not so far past my educational years I would love to study it. I had four children who were all very different. We raised them the same but they became their own individual personalities.....each unique in their own way. I love the traits each of them possess and see part of Jimmy and I in all of them. That is what makes each of our children special.
I am anxious to see who Brooklynn and Finley become but not too soon...I want to enjoy each moment and I am so lucky that I can.
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