Sounds a bit like we might be channeling the ever so memorable Tiny Tim whose one claim to fame was this stick in your mind and never go away ballad. But, these tulips are the work of my husband who is beaming with pride as each new one blooms.

We surely cannot compete with the Arboretum but they make him happy nonetheless. It was a venture he undertook early in the fall. He carefully selected the bulbs, refrigerated them, and set them free in the dirt after researching the correct time for planting.

All of this came during a time when he also so eagerly blew up his Christmas penguin in the front yard for all the neighbors to see. I have to sit back and carefully assess this erratic (not erotic) behavior because this comes from a person who is as tough as nails on the exterior. I believe he is getting in touch with a whole new side of himself as he ages. I am kind of delighted to see this new person emerge but for anyone who is a bit concerned....I really do not think he is ready to turn in his "man card" yet...just sayin'!
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