Saturday, June 30, 2012

Yes, I Really Did......

Oh goodness!  I had to go to Walmart today.  My mission was to purchase a molded plastic pool for the dog.  The heat is about to kill him and since our backyard in currently under construction (another post)  I had to purchase a vessel for heat relief.  I found one...easy enough.  I then purchased for bottles of wine for Jimmy (the $2.97 brand) and all of the above for myself!  I was astounded as I unpacked the groceries.  What was I thinking?  I have been in a non-sugar mindset.  It gives me a headache.  So what was this about?  Is is I lack adequate seratonin?  Was I having an adrenalin rush of some sort....maybe I thought that I needed sugar to fight off the intense heat that was going to great me in the parking lot.  Is it part of the female psyche...when in doubt about anything please grab sugar.  Am I suffering a chemical imbalance suddenly?  I have read that infection and/or arthritis causes sugar cravings....that has to be it.  The Skittles are for Brooklynn, if there are any left the next time I see her.  The Hot Tamales are Heather's favorite so I better buy them too.  I have not had any Grandma Opals Apple Fritter bread in ages and it is calling my name.  Raspberry sherbet is fat free...please purchase.  It is almost the 4th of July so those red, white and blue sugar cookies are a must.  And everybody needs ice cream when it is 103 degrees.  I feel so much better.  Guess it was all necessary after all.  I thought at first I had lost my mind!

Friday, June 29, 2012

Just Thinking....

It has been 10 years today.  Yes, I do relive moments in Matt's life.  I am a mom and I remember probably with more clarity than the rest of the family.  I am not terribly sad today.  Maybe that is because as I think through all of the moments leading up to his 2:30 wedding I know the joy that was is my son's heart on this day.  He was marrying his best friend.  There was no question in Matt's mind that this day was going to be all he hoped his wedding day would be.  So surrounded by everyone he loved from all over the United States and beyond, he said "I DO" and became a husband.  He was happy.  My son was always happy.  I am happy today too, because he did experience that time he hoped for.  He had three months with Kim.  No, it was not long enough, but it was special.  I am grateful that I was able to experience this day and hold onto all of the memories connected with a time that was so unbelievably wonderful.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

You Are My Sunshine....

It was Bunko Tuesday last night.  Although I always want to stay home in my P.J.'s and not tackle the heat in the summer I make myself go and I am NEVER sorry.  We have mostly given up playing Bunko and taken to enjoying a meal together...more time for conversation and less taxing on our older minds.  As I sat there last night I realized how much our visits have changed.  We have gone through stages together..parenthood, college, weddings, the aches and pains of aging bodies, weight issues, and now the total joy of grandchildren.  It is our main focus.  We compare babies, and our complete and total attachment to the children our children have had...our grandkids.  
Why on earth is this so much better than parenting?  Food for thought for my always wondering mind.
I have decided that we are all lovestruck.  It is a feeling I do not think any of us were prepared for.  We LOVED our children.  We are all friends because of the bonds formed as we were raising our children. We have seen the good, the bad, and the ugly in each other and now all we do is share joy.
I believe that our grandchildren are unjudgmental when they spend time with us.  We are not in charge.  That frees us completely to enjoy.  We are removed from the responsibility of decision making.  There are no agendas or tensions.  We can be as silly as we want to be and still be recipients of a near perfect love.
My friends and I share over and over again funny sayings and stories and find endless pleasure in laughing together.  We marvel at the creativity and genius these children display at such a young age and wonder where they will be as a teenagers when operating an IPad is such a simple task at two.  They are an open window to the future.
It is a love more perfect that we ever expected.
So we made a pledge to journal the things that make us laugh.  Maybe no one else will by amazed by the fact that a 2 1/2 year old has to take a pretend cell phone to bed with her when she takes a nap..."just in case I get any calls Gramma" but I am and I want to remember forever why it is I am so in love.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Time To Harvest....

 We have downsized.  We were once proud keepers of a garden that was about the size of our current backyard...that in itself was a problem.  I know that there is nothing that quite compares to walking out your back door and selecting fresh produce for your evening meal.  I, however, am not much of a veggie fan.  I have about three things that I put on my plate that I find acceptable, so dealing with bushels of okra and abundant squash really did nothing for me.
 Our current garden is producing 5 pound coffee cans full of tomatoes and cantelope.  We already harvested all of the onions and I have to admit it was nice not to have to run to the store after deciding what was for dinner just to grab a single onion.
 Today I took my pal along to help me pick tomatoes.  She had it down to a science in just moments.  A few quick instructions on what color to look for and she had her bucket full. 
Oh, if I had olny paid attention when Granny Grounds told me how to can all of this excess stuff.  Or actually maybe I knew I would never want to know and that is why I didn't listen!

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Year Five In The Books........

 Twenty seven people, 48 hours,  6 games, many air mattresses, too much food, lots of laughs, countless beverages, 692 pictures, and way too much sun.....another Shubzda Annual Lake Bash is in the books.  Again a  Bergeson takes home the coveted trophy!  That is a 3 pete for them! 
The family

Team Tuff...i.e. US!
Peyton and Finley becoming friends

James wore himself out catching NO FISH!
Brooklynn on trip number 200 down the slide
Sister in laws!

Redneck pool plug...

Many, many games...

Beverage time....
Junk in who's trunk?

A tree branch pole....
Bottoms Up....

Fish fry....

Another year and a collection of a lot of great memories!  Thanks for all of the fun!