Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Allow Me To Vent......

Please let me begin with a disclaimer...the thoughts expressed here are solely my own.  My family does not endorse my opinion and is usually rolling their eyes when I go on a rant but I feel the need to state my grievances today. 
I am really tired of Barbara Walters.  I have never been a fan but her criticism of the Queen of England today went beyond what I think it tolerable. 
I watched the Diamond Jubilee Concert last night.  Yes, I am a Royal stalker.  I think it is all amazing, and though I have no desire to travel overseas, if I did I would go to Buckingham Palace.
The Queen of England is 86 years old and has been Queen for 60 long years.  I am amazed by the actual schedule she keeps, the duties and charities she covers daily, and her sharp mind and able body.
 Though Barbara Walters says she is a fan of the royals, she noted today that the Queens wardrobe is outdated, she failed to smile while listening to the country sing "ALL HAIL THE QUEEN" and her shoes and handbag just have to go.
Well, pardon me Ms. Walters...I know you are 82 and are extremely well kept, have interviewed more heads of state and dignitaries than anyone else, and you too keep a hectic schedule...but who are you to judge????  Personally I think Queen Elizabeth is wonderful.  She is constantly switching between a hat, a crown, and just her normal hair do and always is meticulously kept.  I am not sure a low cut dress and cleavage is appropriate for the Queen.  I think she dresses out of respect for the title she is carrying.
She has endured more family scandals than we can even comprehend and has handled them gracefully.  She is sharp, caring, a respected by all.  She faced her diamond jubilee without her prince by her side because he was hospitalized.  It had to sadden her deeply.  She is comfortable in her own skin and so if you don't like her handbag who cares.
I can relate to her....well, not really.  I believe you have to be true to who you are and not be guided by public opinion.  I have never been a fashionista.  My hair is too big and looks okay for ten minutes and then I am on to a rubber band or headband.  I wear the same sweat shorts every day.  I went out in a pink and black sundress yesterday with orange and blue flip flops.  I knew it...really did not care.  It does not change what I am.  I can look presentable if I have to.  So if I am ever one of the countries most amazing people and someone wants to interview me...I think I will go with Charlie Gibson or Robin Roberts....they have a more caring heart than you.