It is here.
The end of 2013.
I looked back over the previous end of the year posts I have written and it seems we have always ended on a pretty good note.... grateful for many blessings.
It is no different this year. I just finished delivering my final Meals on Wheels of the year and if nothing jolts you into the gifts you have in your life, I promise dropping off dinners on the route I have will bring you back to the reality of all that is good in a hurry.
It was a good year, blessed with having family close, a wedding, and good health for all.
As I do a little "soul searching" I know that I am grateful for some lessons learned.
I am painfully aware that I don't always make the best decisions or respond to situations in the most appropriate manner....well, surprise on that one! It might be my type A, impulsive, need a filter on my mouth personality that causes me to want to go back and redo so many situations. It is my hope to be a little more compassionate, more reflective, and a whole lot more patient this next year. There will forever be room for improvement in so many areas, but recognizing weaknesses is not something I always do too well. I move through things like the energizer bunny and only look back after the fact.
We are only about eleven hours away from putting this year into park (as noted by a good friend).
Seems so strange that we never seem to re-evaluate in June or August, but only on December 31st. I am all too aware of so many lessons that painfully hit me right in the face this past year, and hopeful that what I learned from a laundry list of mistakes will stick with me in 2014. For me some lessons learned are much to quickly forgotten.
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