After three days of freezing temps and sheets of ice everywhere we can see signs of a thaw. Lo and behold there is sunshine! Oh happy day! For the first time in what seems like forever you can actually see the pavement.
And for the first time in over a week I believe the garbage men can navigate the alley. It is a good thing because the pile is beginning to thaw like the ice and soon the food that remains in the bags is going to become more than just moldy. I guess garbage collection like electricity is something we take for granted until it is no longer there.
The need to escape after days of confinement was at the top of almost everyone's noted by the amount of traffic on the streets and in the malls. It is becoming increasingly necessary at this late date to get started on the Christmas panic is beginning to set in. The positive of being unable to shop for an entire weekend before Christmas? Seems like the retailers are offering below black Friday prices. That is a plus to consumers like me who refuse to battle the crowds the day after Thanksgiving! Sometimes there is a win in being so incredibly stubborn.
The sad part of the event we are calling ICEMEGGEDEON 2013....
unbelievable tree damage. Twenty to thirty year old trees are spit and shattered. The destruction in so sad. The Bradford pears that are so beautiful in the fall and spring are laying across sidewalks everywhere.
As for us...we were lucky. Our landscape escaped damage. Not a broken tree or bush.
However, my new car was not quite so fortunate. I sadly found that one lonely patch of ice left on our driveway and slid right across it into the fence. I am saving that news for day when my not so jolly roommate is dosed up with some holiday eggnog. Maybe it won't seem quite so predictable then.
I do guarantee that the repair man that hangs out in the Target parking lot WILL NOT get my money again. I am just going to keep the Car Collision Center on speed dial on my phone!
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