Friday, October 17, 2014

Just Some Thoughts......

As I sit here and go through the pictures for tomorrows post, it occurs to me how blessed we were to be able to make this trip.  It was perfect on all accounts.  We planned nothing.  We paid our money and arrived at church on Sunday, the 5th of October to begin this voyage.  We traveled many miles across France by bus, always being informed of our surroundings and the significance of the next stop.  Jimmy and I never read a travel brochure or made a plan.  It was all laid out perfectly for us.  Even the numerous and sometimes long bus rides were a gift.  We were encouraged to sit with different people on each leg of our journey.  We communicated with and got to know so many people so personally.  We shared so much and it was so intimate.  I saw a different side of my husband...the one with a personality!  He visited at length with people he had never met.  There was interaction and much laughter.
We did not plan a meal, or inquire as to how to get from point A to point B.  We did not even touch our luggage.  We had instructions as to when to have it outside our hotel door and it was loaded on the bus and delivered to the door of our next hotel room.  We did not tip a soul or have to read a was done for us.  
For non travelers this could not have been more perfect.  I do not think we will ever choose to travel any other way.  If there are not any more trips, then so be it for this was a trip of a lifetime and through pictures, thoughts, and recorded memories we will forever remember the gift of this pilgrimage.
For all the times I have asked God "why me" when things were most difficult, I spent days on the other side asking God "why me"....why was I chosen to take this trip and find such peace in the surroundings in France.

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