Wednesday, October 15, 2014

We Are Pilgrims........

One thing I ask of the Lord:
this I seek:
To dwell in the Lord's house all the days of my life,
To gaze on the Lords' beauty,
to visit his temple.
Psalm 27:4
 And so on Monday October 6, 2014 began a pilgrimage of a lifetime in France.
Little did I know when we signed up for this trip what I was going to experience.
For the next nine days I am going to try to recapture each individual day, though I know that it will be impossible.  There are not adequate words to describe our journey together.
Forty three church friends....and I say that because though many of us began as strangers, we ended as friends forever, knowing that only as part of this group can you remember the experiences we shared that will forever bond us.
After a very long 10 hour overnight flight we boarded a bus and began our visit in Rouen.
 We walked the beautiful streets, visited amazing cathedrals, photographed and learned from our tour guide and our pastor the history of this small, quaint town that held so much religious significance.

 Such amazing beauty every step of the way.  We were blessed with Veronica, our Catholic tour guide, who via head set that we all had described in detail everything we passed.  We not only admired the beauty, we knew the history and meaning of each and every thing.
To say I was in awe is an understatement.  Everything I imagined it might be was there in triplicate.

 This Cathedral of Notre Dame in Rouen know for it's famous butter tower was the subject of many famous paintings by Claude Monet, and holds the heart of Richard the Lionhearted in it's interior.
It was magnificent and was only the beginning of the incredible architecture that would be part of this  trip.
 Our next stop was Lisieux, home of St. Therese, the Little Flower of Jesus.
Tyhe Saints I had only heard and read about were coming to life as we visited their homes and convents.
 In her home in this bed, Therese had a vision of the Virgin Mary.

 Therese lived in this home with her father and three sisters until she entered the convent at the age of 15. She remained her devoted to the service of Christ until her death at the age of 24.
Her short and very painful life brought her to canonization and sainthood and this small town honors her in all it's structures.

 Together we walked the narrow streets and arrived at this beautiful Basilica dedicated to St. Therese.
The beauty of these structures cannot be captured in a photograph.
They have maintained the cathedrals  and grounds in a way that I do not believe we see here in the United States.  It is so moving to witness the devotion that the people in France feel toward what has been created in their country.
 Our last stop of the day was a Mass celebrated in this amazing crypt chapel by Father Timothy.
Beautiful is not even appropriate.  This is not paint.  These are mosaic tiles that create a space where God truly is present.  I am not sure I have ever felt closer to heaven.  
To say that tears flowed freely is an understatement.  It was the most spiritual experience of my lifetime.  To share this with your husband and 43 parish friends is indescribable.
We will forever know the true meaning of celebration in a true community of believers.

Off to a great dinner and an evening of sharing thoughts on day one at our first hotel in Cabourg.
Wine and conversation and exhaustion for all of us....but what a beautiful start to our journey.
We are blessed.

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