Do you see these precious faces? They are only a very small group of the kids that are in my classroom everyday. They are smiling because today was their first lab...buttermilk biscuits and homemade jelly. I cannot tell you how excited they were when they walked in the door, put on their aprons, and knew they were going to create a culinary masterpiece. Well, maybe not all of them reached that level of success today but it was a start and they were so very proud of themselves.

They mixed....

They rolled out dough....

They cut out their biscuits......

And they pulled these beautiful works of art out of the oven......

They were so pleased with themselves!!! Some of these kids have never been in the kitchen, some of them have never used measuring cups or measuring spoons, and knead dough...what on earth does that mean, Mrs.
Shubzda??? Seeing the confidence they have when they succeed is worth every minute of the painstaking preparation it takes to get them to this stage. It seems so simple, but rest assured it is not. There are days I really want to look at them and say "did you bring your mind with you today, or is it just your body sitting in that seat????" But then they surprise me and succeed and I am like a proud parent who sees their child win the race. I love it and I love them and while I am still sitting here waiting on my
grandchild to arrive, I am happy. And even if I am near the end of my career, I know that I have the best job in the world because these kids are a treasure and I am blessed one hundred times over when I see that wonderful "YEA, I DID IT" look on their face!!!
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