And it is so
appropriately my case at least! This weekend I labored.
Before I
proceed, let me say that this is by choice. We have a beautiful lake house that calls my name on a regular basis. I can easily turn my back and leave what mess is behind, go relax and not feel one bit guilty. This weekend was different however. Our air conditioner went out at the lake and they thought it would take the length of the weekend to restore it. That did not sound like too much fun so I made other plans in my mind.

Those plans were to really dig into the dust and mess...laundry, closets, yard
ect. I
usually do this in June when school gets out and I have the enthusiasm to restore order. I just did not care in June. I had other things in sewing, working on a scrapbook, lunch with friends, and sleeping late. So everything got put on the back burner. Things were orderly enough to not cause
embarrassment if there were surprise visitors but I knew there was underlying mess. But...I went back to work in August with the mess still there. This was my weekend. YEA! I am going to clean.

Who gets excited about this ?? The air conditioner at the lake was fixed by Friday night. The whole crew....Jimmy, Sara, Drew and the two dogs packed up and went to enjoy the last weekend of summer near water. No one here but me. Do not get me wrong, I LOVE the lake. This weekend, however was for me. My weekend to feel like I had some control over mess. I washed, moped, cleaned windows, washed sheets, cleaned bathrooms, and so on...and does it feel good. The whole place is clean. Not one room a week but the whole place. It smells good and feels good. This afternoon when the fam returns the dog will come in and start shedding hair all over and the sink will once again be filled with dishes. This may be the last time it is like this for months but today it feels good. Sometimes a little order is in order!!!
P.S. So no one feels totally sorry for me because I labored while my family played for three days...I did find time to go shop for a new table for my perfectly cleaned kitchen. The space deserved it!!! coupons but it was on sale and I love it!!!!
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