This is my second home. It is where I have spent the last nine years, eight plus hours each day, 186 days a year. It feels good to me. It is my space. I share it with other teachers but they come and go. I stay. I love it

This is about my other kids! I decided this week to tell them about my "green lights" and how it made me happy because when I was running late and the lights were green, I was on time. That is reason to smile. Then I asked them to write down their "green lights". Maybe some seemingly
insignificant thing that made them smile. When you are dealing with kids you expect the usual...winning the lottery, having a really hot car, getting Homecoming Queen,
ect. That was not the purpose of the assignment and I was hoping to make them dig down and look for something different. They did not disappoint. Here is a list of some of the responses:
When people notice I am responsible.
When my car is shiny.
Mission trips.
Seeing a newborn baby.
Getting a hug from a friend.
Seeing the Red Sox play in Fenway Park.
Gel deodorant because spray deodorant burns me. (loved that!!!)
Knowing I have 10 extra minutes to sleep in the morning.
Positive people.
I love it! They got it! Are they great or what??? That is why I love my job. When you give up hope and think there is no chance that today's youth will amount to anything, they surprise you and you smile because they get it. What a great day!
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