I guess the most exciting part of my day these days is opening up my email and finding a new picture of Brooklynn. She does not even look like the same baby I left two weeks ago. A newborn develops and changes so quickly that you don't want to miss a minute.

Her precious face and little hands are just moving and forming new expressions way to fast. She will be a changed child when they arrive home next weekend. I am so looking forward to holding her and smelling that beautiful baby smell and getting to know her. Our other visit was so brief.

I also love to see her nestled in that little green and yellow afghan. My mom crocheted one for all of my babies to come home from the hospital in. Tim still has his, though it is mere threads at this point, but it is from his grandmother and it means something. Brooklynn has the last one my mom finished before she died. It was carefully folded, wrapped in white tissue and tucked away neatly in one of her dresser drawers...that was so my mom. I found it and it stayed in the same tissue paper for 8 years until it could be wrapped around her first great grandchild as she came home from the hospital. No it did not match her precious pink going home outfit but someday Tim can tell her were it came from and all about her great grandparents.
I did not know you could feel so much love as you looked at a baby you could not even hold...but I do and the joy she gives me every morning cannot be matched.
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