And this is the best address of all!!!

We have waited a very long time to declare our Cedar Creek lake property Gramma and Gramp's place and now it is official!

After putting my birthday gift from Tim and Mandy on hold for two months Jimmy could finally get out his tools and hang our new sign! I love it!

We look forward to many happy moments with our family, including our newest member Brooklynn, and also with all our friends who we can entice out there to visit. I have envied everyone who could declare their residence the grandparents house. I am so proud that I am now advertising the fact that two old people live here and one of their greatest pleasures will be to have Brooklynn and all future Shubzda grandkids come to hang out with us. This is the BEST!
Congrats on your new addition. You have a beautiful family. Hope to see you sometime soon.