I asked my students to think back and tell me what their favorite costume was when they were younger..like four or five years ago! Unanimous answer...POWER RANGERS! So, that is what was going on during that time period in their lives.
Made me wonder..what did my kids like? That was many costumes and many years ago and I really could not remember. Thank goodness for photo albums!! This is what I found...the Shubzda kids were not going for the kind that came in a box! "Hey mom, can you make me a clown suit?" Or..."Hey mom, can I be a cheerleader?" Tim what were you thinking...or better than that, what was I thinking???!!! Guess he really did have the legs for the costume! Note, that the family did not mind hand me downs..as Drew repeated the clown idea many years later, we only changed the wig!
Kids love Halloween. Our neighborhood goes all out with a parade followed by a big block party and then trick or treating...and they want more than one handful of candy in that bucket. I am more than glad to accommodate them because that is what is fun. My kids came home dumped the bags on the carpet and proceeded to divide their loot into categories. They loved it! So did I. Moms have the right to pick out of the stash, right?!
So to everyone who loves the holiday...Happy Halloween, and I hope you get to eat all of the candy you want!
Yep, that's me to the right of Stefani Pitcock. I love this picture!! I'm not sure I'm even dressed up though?? Great post!!