Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Decade's End.......

Such truth.
I leave this year with these thoughts.

I remember ringing in 2000...good old Y2K!
Now we are moving on to 2020 and I am not sure where the last twenty years have gone.
If I simply focus on this last year I know it has been good.  I am happy. I spend my days doing mostly what I like.  I am not fancy.  I am happy with simple.  I realized that tonight as I finished this year at mass in the company of people I love...yes, my church family.  An altar with the lights of Christmas still shining, a choir filling the church with music that still brought thoughts of Christ's birth, and familiar faces in worship as we welcome in this year.  It was the way the year should end.
I am hopeful.  I know this next year will be as good as last.
My resolutions...simple....

Use the gifts God has given me wisely
Be grateful always
Be healthier, my body matters
Facebook less, be more present to others and myself
Appreciate the ordinary
Declutter so my family won't have to do it when I'm gone
Just love

Just things that you should do everyday.
Goodbye 2019!

Monday, December 30, 2019

Years End......

It is almost then end of another decade.  Yes, it is almost 2020.  In years past I have loved blogging.  It is a record of my life in words and pictures.  It matters to me.
I quit and now I am sad and determined to restart.  Not in some creative and clever way but just in facts and thoughts.  
We wrapped up this year with a fun Christmas.  We created lots of memories through experiences.  
This next year it is my goal to record these experiences. 
I will be accountable.  It may only be once a week but I am going to leave my thoughts for whoever cares when I am no longer here.
Just love this family!!