Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Too Soon?.....

The governor has started the reopening process.
Starting Friday movie theaters, restaurants, libraries, and retail shopping can open as long as they are not at more than 25% capacity. We had the most new cases of Covid 19 reported today. So how is reopening flattening the curve?
I think we are all unnerved and afraid.  We are sick of being in, but fearful of going out.  We have struggled for 5 or more weeks to social distance, we have worn masks, deodorized everything in sight, and washed our hands until they are raw. We have personally taken every precaution known to man and the numbers continue to grow.
There are those that are moving freely about seemingly without a care in the world. Do they not watch the news or do they simply not care at all.
This is political.....what does that means?  Do people really think that some politician wants to put people in the unemployment line, cause companies to go under, drive every individual to mentally struggle with what is happening world wide?  I cannot see it.
Tonight I am confused. 
 I want life to be normal, I want to see my family, and I want to go to church. I just do not want to do this before I know we are safe.
What is Gods plan in all of this?  
Please let us all hang on until the time is right.  We have worked so hard and we want to reach the finish line as soon as it is safe.

Sunday, April 26, 2020

DAY WHAT????.........

I really do not know how many days we have been in quarantine.  It is over a month and honestly I do not know what I have accomplished.
I am in the middle of a Bible Study...did I say that before?  
It seems like I have spent an enormous amount of time with Sara, and that is not bad!
And what has Sara done?  
 Oh my goodness, this girl loves her puzzles and she is good at it.
She has patience like I have never seen.  Sara sits and works so focused on an area that with a 1000 pieces laying in front of her, she finds the piece she needs.
My attention span is horrid!
 So, with puzzle #??? complete it is time to choose a new one.
I am just so very glad that I had the insight to order what I could find when they were still available.
I am positive that more puzzles have been assembled in the last month than in the previous two years combined.
Flip flops anyone?
Yes, when we don't puzzle we paint and that is fun too!
Just really not sure what part of the house to hang this in!

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Gratitude in a Pandemic......

In the midst of this pandemic while we are all waiting for the time when we can "break free", 
we tend to focus on all the things we feel cheated of while we are confined to our homes and distanced from those whom we love and are patiently waiting to HUG.
*I am grateful for the time I have had to walk each day around the neighborhood.  I am not a walker, but the need to be outside has driven me to pick up my headphones, find some praise music and walk.  I have noticed the spring flowers, the other walkers, the clouds, and the wildlife.  Small things that I have otherwise ignored.  I am grateful for this "time out" to be more aware.
*I am grateful that we have a home, that our income allows us to pay our bills, buy food, and exist with no financial worries until we can get through this terrible virus that is plaguing the world.
*I am so very grateful for our church and all of the religious communities that have given us a way to worship via TV, internet, Facebook live, or other means so God can remain at the forefront of our lives even in these shelter in place days.
*I am grateful for the opportunity to sleep late, stay in my pajamas as long as I want, drink coffee and read my bible outside in my beautiful backyard on the nice weather days.
*I am grateful on this Earth Day that our quarantine has helped the earth restore itself.  The bodies of water are clearer, the smog has lifted, the animals are free to explore their natural habitats, and we have just generally made our planet a better place.  Can we learn a lesson and make moves to keep it this way?
*I am so grateful that my sons, daughter-in-laws, and grandkids live close and we can do a drive by when I need to see their precious faces.  Distancing is not fun but I am so blessed that though I cannot hug them I can see them in person.  Such a gift!
*I am grateful for all the celebrities that have come together to do concerts from the confines of their home, donating all money to charity so that although no new productions can be done we have new and interesting things to watch.
I know there are many more things,  but for now just know I am grateful that we will survive this and be much better people because we did.

Monday, April 20, 2020

Someone Else's Thoughts.....

Posted multiple times on peoples Facebook pages....we will see how this plays out!

The official lockdown started March 23 and will likely end May 1st. That is EXACTLY 40 days. 
The Latin root of the word "quarantine" is "forty".
So what does the Bible say about 40? 
The flood lasted 40 days.
40 years Moses fled Egypt.
40 days Moses stayed on Mount Sinai to receive the Commandments.
Exodus lasted 40 years.
Jesus fasted for 40 days.
40 days for a woman to rest after giving birth.
Optimum number of weeks for human gestation is 40.
A group of theologians thinks the number 40 represents "change”. It is the time of preparing a person, or people, to make a fundamental change.
Something will happen after these 40 days. Just believe and pray. Remember, whenever the number 40 appears in the Bible, there is a "change".
Please know that during this "quarantine" rivers are cleaning up, vegetation is growing, the air is becoming cleaner because of less pollution, there is less theft and murder, healing is happening, and most importantly, people are turning to Christ. The Earth is at rest for the first time in many years and hearts are truly transforming.
Remember we are in the year 2020, and 20 + 20 = 40.
Also, 2020 is the year of the United States Census. Jesus Christ, the savior of the world, was born during a census.
Lastly, 2020 is perfect vision. May our sight focus on the Lord and living according to His perfect vision for us knowing He holds us in the palm of His hand.

Friday, April 17, 2020

Treasures of the Pandemic.....

When you spend four weeks sheltering in place because of a global pandemic...that has in fact killed way too many people world wide, you learn some valuable life lessons.  This is only one of those lessons.  Before we are totally turned loose back to society I will cover some other lessons, but for tonight here we go!
DO NOT pass up a chance to buy descent toilet paper and disinfecting spray and wipes.  
On the subject of toilet paper, I have always hoarded that item.  I do have a real fear of not having enough TP on hand at all times.  My garage has no less than 36 rolls always.  I do however buy the good Charmin (remember Mr. Whipple?).  In the American way, once this epidemic started everyone starting buying toilet paper in maniac amounts.  It was like a black Friday fight if you saw some on the shelves!  What was available on rare occasion was SCOTT.  I have never bought this before, but for fear of not having enough I purchased it when I saw it.  NEVER AGAIN!  It is seriously 1 ply paper.  The tissue that goes in gift bags would be better.  It is so thin and rough that in order to do the job you have to wrap it around your hand a minimum of one dozen times.  Even 7/11 has better paper in their restrooms than this.  Lesson learned.
Next let me say I have never been a germaphobe. My way of thinking was let my kids build up and immunity, which they did.  They were never sick.  They all had perfect attendance through 6 years of elementary school.  This has changed my mind.  I never bought Lysol spray or Clorox wipes.  I just cleaned everything with windex.  It has ammonia so that should do the job.  These are also unavailable items.  Folks on Ebay are selling Lysol for $150 a can!  I finally found some and I will not be without it again.  I now see the value.  There are germs we want to avoid and those germs are causing America to hibernate in an unimaginable way.  So I spray and wipe everything now and will continue to.  Lesson learned.
We will come out of this sooner rather than later I hope.  When we do life will be different.  I know what matters and I will look at cleanliness in a whole new way and I will keep a respectable among of cleaning agents on hand...and better toilet paper.

Thursday, April 16, 2020

It's a Good Day.....

 Sometimes in the midst of the lows you find a high!
Every day is a roller coaster during these pandemic times, but when a car pulls up and your grandkids hop out on an amazingly beautiful day you have to find JOY!!!
And along with their smiling faces came handprinted signs and a dollar for a special treat!!
 The sun was shining and the temperatures were mid 70's.
I have managed to sneak into Lowes for a few flowers so that is also cause for happiness!
Sidewalk chalk has sustained us during these dreary times, and though it washes off about every third day.  So....we just redo!
It's been a happy day and for this I am so very grateful!

Sunday, April 12, 2020

He Is Risen!.....

Easter Sunday and another mass celebrated in the shelter in place safety of my home.  This is becoming a situation that is nightmare like.  I am ever so grateful for the fact that if I cannot be there in church, I can participate.  Missing Easter mass would just be enough to throw me into severe depression so there is a positive in this.
Dinner was prepared with all the traditional foods just so it felt a bit okay.  It was us...just us and Drew, Heather, and Adeline at a distance....a six foot distance.  Thank heavens for beautiful weather because there is no coming inside when you are socially distanced.  
I cannot really express how I feel about this. It is what science fiction movies are made of.  Each day is long, and motivation to do anything is nonexistent. All these hours to dig into the things that have been on my to do list and I want to sit...period.  I think half the world feels like this.
On a positive note maybe tomorrow will be better.

Saturday, April 11, 2020

Holy Saturday......

Today is Holy Saturday.  
The church is empty, just as everything was empty 2000 years ago.
Jesus was gone. 
 The apostles were frightened. 
 He said he would be back, but he was dead, buried, and they feared they would not see him again.  
The apostles were huddled together, quarantined, having no idea what was next.
That is how we are today.  It is rainy, dark, and dreary.  We wait patiently.  Easter is tomorrow.  We will worship with the bishop tomorrow from our living room.  We are thankful for technology so we can indeed share the joy of our Risen Savior.  
We will see the light again.  Jesus will not forsake us. Families will be reunited and life will go back to some new sort of normal.  Until then there is much to be thankful for and that is what we will focus on as we wait.....
Lord, be gracious to us;
we long for you.
Be our strength every morning,
our salvation in time of distress.
  Isaiah 33:2

Friday, April 10, 2020

Mask Production and Other Things......

 Social distancing is not all that is required anymore.  Now we are required to wear a mask if we are venturing outside.  That would not be a problem but with our outbreak extending worldwide, masks are just not to be found anywhere.
What to do about that...get out the sewing machine and get to work.
It took about five prototypes to get it right.  This was not so easy.  Now we all have a face covering.
So honestly.....wearing this is not a problem.  People are more apt to stare at you if you appear without one that if you are with one.
 A beautiful sight is our  flag that is flying in front of our house.  Seeing it daily says that soon things will be normal again.  America will venture outside without a mask.  We will gather at church and hug our neighbor.  We will grocery shop and not worry about a toilet aper shortage.
We will be normal.
 With no Easter service this year except online my front door tells all that we are still a domestic church.  We worship within our walls.  God is still alive and well in our family.

And flowers are blooming.  
Life goes on.
When we are practicing shelter in place having a backyard that is full of life is a good thing.  It breaks the monotony of jigsaw puzzles, painting, baking and TV binging.
Thank God for spring blooms!

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

An Update......

So here we are again...another day, another 24 hours in isolation.
To be truthful, I am not going crazy yet.  In fact, my days are really going by fast.  We are here making the most of every minute.  We have finished what is probably our 5th puzzle, we paint daily from a great online web site, and wow, as we checked our email we see that we are now limited to one day a week trash pick up with no recycling.  So milk jugs, ketchup bottles and beer cans go in the trash.  Apparently there are a shortage of workers to do these jobs.  I do not blame them. Touching all those plastic bags with potential germs on them would make me want to stay home too.  
It is a strange time.  No, it is a historic time.  The world is shut down and we do not know when we will get past this.  
It is a daily change in protocol and so as long as we have amble food and toilet paper we will remain grateful.  We are not ill and that is a blessing.

Monday, April 6, 2020

Palm Sunday.....

Palm Sunday, the beginning of the Holiest Week of our Liturgical Year.  
It is the week I look forward to months in advance.  
We watched the service from the cathedral with Bishop Burns and Bishop Kelly.
The homily spoke volumes.  Bishop Kelly spoke with emotion that brought me to tears as he spoke to an empty cathedral that would normally be standing room only.
Jesus...our anchor, our rudder, our hope...always.
This week I will look at what I can put aside and how I can refocus without the normal church community I normally celebrate with.  God has a plan.  He entered the tomb and rose glorious three days later.  We will rise and we will be different.  We will find ourselves grateful for the lessons learned during this strange and unfathomable time.
Hold on to hope.

Saturday, April 4, 2020

Missing These People!!

This is is sad.  I understand the quarantine 
 but I am missing my family so much.  I want hugs and kisses and I want to watch them ride their bikes and play volleyball.
We have food, we have all the supplies we need but what you realize is the material things do not matter so much.  It is your family, friends, church family and those that you are used to surrounding yourselves with that make your life what it is.
This will end, though the end is not anywhere in sight.  When it is over we will look at things differently and that is not a bad thing.  
Maybe God thinks we all need to press the reset button.

Thursday, April 2, 2020

Life Today....

Just so I NEVER forget..... April 2,2020
Gas prices at Bucee’s was $1.37
School cancelled - At-Home Learning
Self-distancing measures on the rise.
Tape on the floors at grocery stores and others to help distance shoppers (6ft) from each other.
Limited number of people inside stores, therefore, lineups outside the store doors.
Non-essential stores and businesses mandated closed.
Parks, trails, entire cities locked up.
Entire sports seasons cancelled.
Concerts, tours, festivals, entertainment events - cancelled.
Weddings, family celebrations, holiday gatherings - cancelled.
No masses, churches are closed.
No gatherings of 50 or more, then 20 or more, now 10 or more.
Don't socialize with anyone outside of your home.
Children's outdoor play parks are closed.
We are to distance from each other.
Shortage of masks, gowns, gloves for our front-line workers.
Shortage of ventilators for the critically ill.
Panic buying sets in and we have no toilet paper, no disinfecting supplies, no paper towel no laundry soap, no hand sanitizer.
Shelves are bare.
Manufacturers, distilleries and other businesses switch their lines to help make visors, masks, hand sanitizer and PPE.
Government closes the border to all non-essential travel.
Fines are established for breaking the rules.
Stadiums and recreation facilities open up for the overflow of Covid-19 patients.
Press conferences daily from the President and the governess. Daily updates on new cases, recoveries, and deaths.
Government incentives to stay home.
Barely anyone on the roads.
People wearing masks and gloves outside.
Essential service workers are terrified to go to work.
Medical field workers are afraid to go home to their families.
This is the Novel Coronavirus (Covid-19) Pandemic, declared March 11th, 2020.
Why, you ask, do I write this status?
One day it will show up in my memory feed, and it will be a yearly reminder that life is precious and not to take the things we dearly love for granted.
We have so much!
Be thankful. Be grateful.
Be kind to each other - love one another - support everyone.
We are all one!