There was a shower for baby
Shubzda today, given by two VERY special people, and attended by special friends.... all to celebrate the fact that the family is finally having a baby!!!

It is occasions like this that you realize how blessed you are to be surrounded by people who mean so much to you and
whos lives have been bonded
with yours for so many years. My friend Sharon who
cohosted this shower gave a shower for me when I had Sara 27 years ago...and now we are celebrating my grandchild as we have celebrated theirs. Our kids grew up together. We have lived through great times and not great times...and they have been there and I love them for all the times we can go back and remember.

Chris's son Jeff was one of Matt's best friends forever. Jeff hates me to retell the story of the time he started our backyard on fire and then rode home quickly on his bike!!! I love it. It makes me laugh! It is those times that we love to reminisce about and will continue too when we get old...or maybe we are old! Maybe it is all part of the fact that we have been together for about 30 years. The time has flown by but our love for each other is a constant....and it is such a gift. I am so emotional about all of this.

There were so many amazing and wonderful gifts. There was a cookie jar from Sharon's mom who has known Tim for a lifetime. It came from her collection and she picked it out just for them. Can you even thank someone enough for something like this?

It was such a great weekend. No thank you note to these friends will be sufficient. When we are older and greyer and the story of our lives is different than it is today we will be able to look at pictures and tell stories and know how special all of this time has been to us.
We had a great time, Hannah loved the party! Thanks for including us and I can't wait to meet Baby Shubzda.