Yes, I know this is random. The reason I started writing this blog was to have a reason to actually write down not just events but the things I find each day to be grateful for. With the summer heat, and madly scrambling to complete everything that is still undone around the house before school starts, I am afraid that I have not given much thought to the good things around me. As I was heading to bed last night (early, so I can get back in work hour mode) I was craving something sweet. I have basically gotten rid of all of the junk in the house after this last doctor visit. With the news that I have elevated cholesterol and high tryglycerides that make me borderline diabetic I knew the bad stuff HAD to go. Oh no :( can I do it??? Guess when given a choice between better health or sugar...the sugar had to go. So, before bed I was scavanging the pantry for a cereal bar or something when I found hidden away a small bag of M&M's!!! It was like gold!! What a find! There were not many....just a few. But those few M&M's were a treasure! Never before have I found such happiness in a small bag of chocolate. There are indeed so many things to be grateful for today!
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