735 Birch is "Sold"

Tim and Mandy have sold their house and as of this weekend are residing at 735 Birch no more. Their new home is an apartment in Lemoore that will be where they live until after the birth of their baby....not quite ideal but considering the economy they are very glad to have sold their house.

I guess this is a bit sad for me. Matt built the house in 2002 for he and Kim before they were married. This is where they lived until his accident in 2002. The house was Matt's pride and joy. He worked tirelessly to make it as unique as he was in the short time he lived there. As fate would have it, the Navy sent Tim to the same duty station after he got his wings. He bought the house from Matt's wife and moved in December of 2002. The house remained much as Matt had left it, except for Tim's own additions....including his new wife.
It is hard to let that part of Matt go. It was the last place he lived and left his mark not only in the design of the house but in his initials he carved in the wet cement in the driveway. That was so totally my son. I was only there to visit several times while Tim was there but each time I could still feel so much of my son in that house. I am so glad that Tim had the years he had there...but now it is time to move on. And it is time for me to let go of that link that was left also. It is not easy. No part of loosing your son is, but there are new things on the horizon and those new things include my first grandbaby.
So I will pack those memories away with the other ones that are so near and dear to my heart and look forward to what the next months will bring.
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