I have been to Buy Buy Baby twice in a week because I had a coupon. I not only had the one they sent me...I went and got my neighbors. Yes, she has four small children but I am sure I needed it worse than she did!! Heaven forbid I get a really rare 30% off coupon from Kohls. They are in the black for the year after I leave! I bought a new computer because Dell sent me a coupon for $100 off. How can you pass that up? Yes, our computer was old and yes, I told my husband (which I don't always do) but I would not have bought it if there was not a coupon to use.
I feel like I should stand up like they do at an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting and say " My name is Patti and I have a problem. I am a couponaholic." There are groups for people who suffer. Mentors who will help you find a path to healing. I think there is a place for overeaters so why not for poor souls like me? I think I need to research and find others who buy only with a coupon in hand...actually, who buy needlessly when they are holding a paper that says 15% off. I wonder if Oprah can help?
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