Monday, July 30, 2012

Between Friends.....

 Buddy weekend 2012 has come and gone.  It is always a shame that a time you look forward to for so long passes so quickly.  It is one of my favorite weekends of the year.  It is a short trip to Richland Chambers Lake to spend time with a group of very dear friends. 
 The temperature...brutal!  It really did not matter.  We could literally "Go Jump In The Lake"!  The water was perfect and thanks to ample rainfall this spring it was deep enough for jet skis and pontoon boat cruises.
 When the heat became too intense there was time for iPhone games and iPads...that is what is so great about such good friends.  There is simply no pressure to do anything but just be comfortable. 
 Even the guys take being comfortable seriously.  Three men and a nap on the back of a boat. 
 It totally gives the brain time to rechange for discussing...WHATEVER!!!
I read that true friendship is like a seedling that grows into a strong tree.  It weathers many storms and does not break.  We are that strong tree. At our stage of life it becomes difficult to plant new seedlings and develop those friendships into a sturdy tree with someone new.  I am so thankful for the fact that we have been planted in our community for 42 years.  Those are our friends and that is our history.
"A friend is someone who knows all about you and likes you anyway"....

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Summertime Thoughts.....Randomly...

 I find it so sad.  Who expects to go to a midnight showing of Batman and encounter such tragedy.  Twelve dead and dozens injured. Who in the world can become so distraught that they think the only way to react is to leave so many families in such pain.  It has taken me until now to even wrap my mind around the fact that this man could go on a rampage like this.  Those gone are all good people, innocent victims of a madman...including a six year old who will never grow up.  My heart goes out to the people whose lives will never be the same.  Just my thoughts as we continue to hear about the 12 that are now being laid to rest.  We are a world with no guarantees at all.
 On a brighter note...I was sucked in again.  Reality TV is just not reality.  But, I watched the Bachelorette once again and once again I believe!  No, these relationships do not work out...but maybe this one will.  Emily and Jef seem sincere.  A $180,000 engagement ring surely shows the man means business!  I am going to cling to the hope that there will be a gigantic televised wedding just to prove that all of the fluff does not matter...just being together for the rest of their lives is all that is important.

 What else is there to smile about...this baby!  Over night she has sprouted two teeth and as of today has conquered movement.  Arms and legs in sync she can now crawl!!!  I do not know whether to laugh or cry.  In just a short time walking will be another milestone. I just simply need to freeze time for a moment PLEASE!
 And finally...we are finished (minus some trim work) and we are nothing but relieved to have our yard and our lives back. 
It will be worth the headaches.  Just some fill dirt, sod, grill installation and we will call it a day.  Jimmy has already dubbed it his sanctuary (a place of safety or refuge) that will be complete with a wife, kids, grandkids, friends, and neighbors.....maybe he will actually choose to move back in the house when we all join him out in his sanctuary!  Party anyone?

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Lazy, Crazy, Hazy Days of Summer....

Roll out those lazy, hazy, crazy days of summer,
Those days of soda and pretzels and beer.
Roll out those lazy, crazy, hazy days of summer,
You'll wish that summer could always be here!
 I have always been a fan of summer.  During the 23 years I worked for the school district it meant 3 months of schedule, kids home, easy meals, flip flops, flowers....
 Fruit on the fruit trees....
 Pool play time....
 A perfect rainbow after a much appreciated summer rain.....
 Ahhhhh....but this summer has been much different.  In May we chose to embark on a project.  We have dreamed of an outdoor living area since we moved in our house.  No need to repeat over and over again that outside is our happy place.  Maybe not pretzels and beer but a glass of wine and a good book in the evening on the patio is life at it's best as we see it.
 So we signed a contract and began living the nightmare of home construction.  There seems to be no pride in ownership as these contractors take on a job.  I have not ventured very far from my back door for over a month.  Had I left we would have the foundation in  the wrong place, misplaced drains, posts not centered correctly, defective wood, and so on.  The foundation needs to be covered with another material and I need a valium!!!!
 Jimmy ended up spending three hours redoing electrical...and I won't even repeat the verbiage I listened to when that was over! I do believe I need a discounted bill for project supervision.  
We are on the final step...the stonework.  It is rolling along without a hitch.  A different contractor and a different view on project pride.  Karlo has been by at least three times a day to monitor and direct.  I have simply watched from out of the window.  
We are near completion.  Soon the mess will be gone, the yard cleaned up and the wine uncorked...we are ready for a party!!!!

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Another Fun Friday....

 Brooklynn and I are Friday friends.  No matter what else is going on we have a steady date on Friday that starts with hanging out at Story Time!  It is no secret that we are tightly bonded with Miss Molly and the fun stories she reads to us in the morning.  Craft time is usually our favorite because scotch tape and glue sticks are like gold.  Freedom to go to town with a roll of tape is life at it's best!  Miss Molly had great news for us at the end of our reading was a Chick fil A food!!!!  Yes, just show up at your local restaurant dressed like a cow and get a free meal!
 She told us that a mask would be perfectly acceptable so we ran home got out the glue and some paper and fashioned our own cow mask...that could easily have been mistaken for a cat or a pig but they accepted our entry and we ate free!!!!!

 Cow Appreciation Day drew out everyone that had been suffering with cabin fever it seems.  People watching was just as much fun as eating the chicken nuggets.  Brooklynn was fascinated by the fact that the big cows bobo was showing.  It was an  exposed utter with totally unacceptable placement (unable to photograph front view).  I noticed later that the management had made her cover up her udderly ridiculous udder.  Good decision Chick fil A. I believe it was the costume she wore to her last adults only party!
It was a playdate combined with a lesson in economics....make a mask...get free food! 
Just what I needed in the middle of July!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

It Flies By....

Since I have been absolutely absent in blog land lately, I thought I would at least put a picture of this precious baby who is 6 months old now in my memory book.  My days disappear and obviously so does time.  Finley has gone from a newborn to a very mobile 1/2 year old baby.  Lay her on her playmat, run to wash your hands and suddenly she is half way across the room.  Her methods of travel vary....roll over and over, scoot, inch worm along, but she arrives at her destination pleased with herself and her new found freedom. 
Like her sister, she is nothing but a joy to be around.  I just wish I could freeze time and enjoy this moment before the next milestone is here....which will probably be tomorrow!

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Happy Fourth of July 2012!......

So grateful for the red, white, and blue and all the happiness that goes with the freedom we have!