Tuesday, August 27, 2013

I Have Arrived.....

At 65
...and I am not sad, or depressed, or anything but happy to have gotten here.  No, I am not wishing to move through the rest of my life at lightening speed.  I intend to take each day as it comes and enjoy it....because that is the gift of aging.

I had a great birthday.  I spent it with my family.  No big trips, no giant jewels to commemorate a milestone...by choice.  That is what I chose.  Time with family is what gives me the most pleasure.
Saturday night we went to the Cowboy Game....in style.  Thanks to some generous individuals who shared their tickets to a Suite, we were treated royally.  Food compliments of the Legends Club and....
 desserts galore!!!!!  You know that made me happy!!
Sunday was sharing with the rest of the family and another great meal.
Turning 65 calls for a full weekend of celebration.
I have done some research on the life of those they call the "BABY BOOMERS."
There are 8000 of us that turn 65 each day.  8000 more of us daily that are eligible for Medicare, Social Security, and senior discounts.  I am in good company this year as Billy Crystal, Andrew Lloyd Webber, Terry Bradshaw, and Peggy Fleming are celebrating their big birthday too.
Aging is not a bad thing.  I have been saying that for the last 10 years.  Every year I become less critical of myself.  Wrinkles....I earned them!  They are nothing to be ashamed of.  I don't carry around a bunch of baggage anymore.  Things that used to bother me..not so much now.  Some piled up laundry, that will wait until tomorrow.  I am free to spend each day as I choose and somedays I do not make that decision until I wake up and enjoy my coffee! I am happy...really happy.  Grandbabies, children close to home and friends...old friends, new friends, and time to enjoy them. God has blessed me abundantly.  And speaking of God...that is another huge blessing in my life.  I have always had a strong faith, but with age has come a new and much improved connection with God and the church.  I am so grateful to have found myself so lifted up by what has always been right in front of my face.  Maybe with so much of my life behind me, I know that what is ahead of me takes an enormous reconnect with the Lord.  Again, such a huge blessing in my life.
Each morning I can wake up and know that LIFE IS GOOD, and what more can you want?

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