Thursday, February 23, 2017

Think Spring...Or Not....!

We are experiencing our 12th 80 degree day this in since January.  That is unheard of.  In fact we have set a record, and it is really rather sad.  I know this is a great way to spend February, but what does that mean for July?  Probably do not want to even ponder that thought.
 As mild as the winter was, we lost all of our backyard shrubs and it is really unsightly.  My backyard is my go to place for peace and tranquility, which I desperately need some days.
With that in mind, I headed to the nursery to see what I could plant.
It is February and normal temps say it is not time to plant anything.  There is plenty of time for a freeze.
Not to be deterred, I bought a fern and some marigolds just so I could satisfy my need to dig in the dirt.  I know when that final freeze comes I will regret this, but not today!

Monday, February 20, 2017

Love These Cousins.........

 Blessed by these babies who seem to get along well!
No hair pulling, no snatching toys, no eye gouging,
just taking a short ride to nowhere!

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Welcome Bishop Burns........

As of today Dallas has a new bishop.  That would not necessarily be exciting unless you were deeply rooted in your Catholic faith.
It does seem, however, that it is newsworthy enough to be live streamed by all of the local news channels and be top news on all the evening news broadcasts.
For me it mattered...enough that I watched the whole thing, and even snapped all of these pictures off the computer screen...a bit blurry I know.
 There are 1.3 million Catholics in the diocese of Dallas.  That is huge.  This man who was formerly in Juneau, Alaska is now shepherding one of the largest Diocese in the United States.
From what I can tell from the brief moments I have heard him speak....he is a rock star.
He is personable, deeply spiritual, and loves his mother....what else do I need to know???
 A brief stop as he was exciting the cathedral to give his mom a hug.
After all she raised him and deserves some of the credit for his outstanding success!
 This was especially memorable to me because Matt was married in this cathedral.  
I love this church for all of the memories it holds.
To see all of the clergy from across the diocese gathered for this event was incredible.  I wish I could have been there.  Bishop Burns is only the 8th bishop of our diocese.  That is amazing in itself.

It is doubtful I will ever get to meet him except in passing but even that will be an honor.
I look forward to him continuing the great work Bishop Kevin Farrell did before him.
It was the Catholic Church that the city of Dallas turned to when they needed to house the man and his family that had contracted Ebola.  They took him in.  That is what we do.
Thank you to Pope Francis for sending us the best.  
Welcome Bishop Edward Burns.

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Outside Again....

It has been awhile since I have gotten out of bed, fixed a cup of coffee and gone outside to SIT!
Truthfully, I sit every morning with my coffee but it is usually in bed with my electric blanket on and I dread putting my feet on the floor.
 Today was the day.
The day to go outside on the patio that is covered with dead grass and all of the neighbors leaves and enjoy what has turned out to be an 82 degree day on February 7th.
It is beautiful, No humidity, no wind, and just a few minutes minutes of total pause!
I cherish today.  Jimmy and Sara are at work and no one is peaking around the corner to see if I am still sitting!
Thursday another cold front rolls through and by the weekend we have rain in the forecast but this morning we have the beauty of a spring day in early February.  It is renewing and I am taking advantage.

Sunday, February 5, 2017

Back To The 80's.........

So the super star's fan club all came to witness yet another of the great performances of the Garland Therapeutical Musical Department!
This year it is Back To The 80's!!!
 Finley is one of Sara's greatest fans and boy does Sara love her audience.  She waits for this performance from the time one ends until another begins.  Truthfully she should get an Oscar for her performance.  She nails it every year!
 Totally awesome theater director Lory Stewart has been working with these kids for probably 18 years and Sara has been a part for the last 13.  Lory is incredible.  She deserves an award.  The love she has for this group is never-ending.  I cannot thank her enough for all she does.
 Sara and her friend Kelly are the ever so popular cheerleaders this year.  Sara always thinks she has the staring roll of course!

 After the show...a few pictures with her fan club!!
 And hugs from Finley!!

And Brian...well, he was the Captain of the football team.  What else goes along with Sara's roll as the head cheerleader?
Next year .... 
We can't wait!

Friday, February 3, 2017

Almost One....

 This little baby will be one in just one month.  I am sad.  
This year has past so quickly.
I have been so fortunate to have been able to be with her a lot and watch her grow and develop new skills.
She is taking steps, eats like a horse, and smiles 24/7.
Like my other grand babies she fills my heart.  She is a gift and my greatest joy is enjoying her as often as I can.
I love you Sweet Adeline!!!

Yes, I am In the Kitchen.....

Yes, it is me in the kitchen.  Probably a weak moment!  Since I retired from a career spent in the kitchen at work, I have steered away from the domestic life of food preparation.  Just don't want to be there.
 So on a dreary Friday the cupboard called my name and with apples going bad I whipped up some bread.
 I actually enjoyed it!
It actually was good.
And feeling that my day had been profitable.....
 I spent the evening on the couch!

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

And It Is February.......

Just like that January is gone and February is here!
Happy moments in the first month of the year...hoping for the same thing in the days ahead.