Friday, March 13, 2015

A Number Of Things.....

Well, the snow seems to be a thing of the past....thank heavens but we are still being besieged by abundant rain requiring us to remain inside and search for new and creative ways to fill the time.  For me that is not, a good book, my sewing machine and I can disappear for hours.  My mom did a great job of teaching me how to entertain myself.  It has served me well since retirement.
Thank you mom!!!!
With two little girls housebound on a very rainy day we have had to get creative...with "a number of things'....a title stolen from a good friends shop!
The girls are problem with that as long as I remember to keep all the essential elements on hand!  You would be surprised how many miles you can get out of a bag of $2.99 pompoms.  I love them.  Today it was a clown face.  What I have found is that Brooklynn carefully follows the directions.  Finley is a free spirit.  She always has her own interpretation of the instructions  and her unique perspective makes hers a form of more modern art.  
Had a little break time with homemade blueberry pancakes and scones just to rest the busy fingers and Gramma's brain!
When the pom pom fun was over and all cleaned up we were on to a challenging game of 
 It took Brooklynn about five minutes to figure out what card was the highest in each pile and she had her cards scooped to her side in an instant. 
An intense session of creating Mr. McGregors garden with acrylic paints keep us busy for an hour.  Finley is the most amazing little three year old.  She has concentration far beyond mine!

Finished product and on to play dough....
To create a strawberry sundae......which was really hard not to eat.
A play day with this many activities calls for high levels of sugar for this Gramma....
or at least a reprieve outside in the sun!

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