Monday, July 20, 2015

And I Traveled............

After an amazing journey to France in October, I was one of the first to sign on the dotted line when they offered the chance to go on another pilgrimage...this time to the Holy Land.  
Not in my wildest dreams did I ever think I would get to travel overseas and I was less likely to think that one of those trips would take me to Israel.  
But, the day arrived and so did the church parking lot ready for the very long series of flights.
We flew from DFW to Frankfort and from there to TelAviv.  About 40 hours wide awake before we reached the first of our two hotels in this holy land.
Before our luggage even arrived in our rooms, I walked out on our balcony to see this beautiful boat sailing on the Sea of Galilee.  If we never went any further than this, it would have been worth the length of the trip.  What an incredible sight....was this how Jesus saw it when he stood on the shore?
I can only imagine.
The view from our balcony was gorgeous but the history of where we were was even more overwhelming.  What a great beginning to a much anticipated journey.
The first morning took us on an hour drive north to Seppphoris, a major Jewish city.
It was the sight of great market places, theaters, and synagogues. 
Archaeologists worked tirelessly under tents still uncovering remnants  of a 2000 year old city.
They knelt bent with brushes carefully exposing mosaics and artifacts.  How incredible that this many years later they are still discovering what lies beneath piles of dirt.
Seeing the ridges in the old roads was surreal.
Just a few of the intricate 2000 year old mosaic floors in this old city.
Next stop...the sight of the first miracle of Jesus at the wedding feast of Cana.

The gardens were just as I imagined them.  Maybe too many biblical movies or just what I wanted it to look like but it did not disappoint.
What I did not expect was this...what they believe was one of the water jugs that was filled with water and then turned into wine by Jesus.  It sold about three feet tall and I am not sure what the diameter was but it was big.  Six of these....
It is hard to wrap your mind around the reality of the sights.  
Just the beginning of our journey.
 The last stop of the day, the sight of the Annunciation.  It was here in this area that the Angel Gabriel appeared to Mary and told her she was to be the Mother of Our Lord.  If only we could stop long enough to reflect on the reality of where we were standing, but the tourist were many so we looked and moved on.  Only later could we actually grasp where we had been and what had happened there.
One of my most memorable moments had to have been chosen to serve at the mass at the Basilica of the Annunciation.  Out of the 30 on this journey to be standing above the sight of the Annunciation serving at this special mass was more than a privilege.  I have had so many spiritual highs today.  I can only imagine what lies ahead in the next seven days.
Back to the hotel to enjoy an adult beverage...
 and dinner.

The food was amazing, the day was amazing and we have only just begun.

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