Wednesday, August 12, 2015

The Finale........

We began early today....7:30 to be exact.  That is an hour earlier than our usual leave time which meant we rose much earlier than I would have liked to!  The reason for our early departure was HEAT!  Intense heat!  All of the sights we were headed to were outside and the temperatures were scorching!  Lots of bottled water and sunscreen was the order of the day.
Our first stop was the River Jordan.  Yes, I am well aware that Jesus was baptized by John in the River Jordan.  I did not know much about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict however.  Yes, I knew that the news was always full of reports on how unsettled the area was, but that was the extent of my knowledge.  Well, I know now and I am on a mission to better understand exactly what is going on over there because now I have seen it.
To get to the River Jordan we had to drive through security on a narrow dirt road with electrically wired fences on both sides.  It was in the middle of the West Bank.  The entire West Bank is surrounded by wire fences and only recently have they allowed visitors into this particular sight.  
Basically there are 2.6 million Palestinians in this area under Israeli control.  This is not how they want to live but they are unable to settle on borders so they are literally trapped.  
An ancient Byzantine Monastery was behind the fences and all of the yellow markers indicated there were active land mines.
There was a newly constructed worship sight before you reached the actual river.
This was not at all how I envisioned the River Jordan.  
It could not have been 50 feet across and it was filthy.
That people were actually baptized here was not a pleasant thought.  
Yes, I stood in the water up to my ankles but that was as far as I was going.  Yes, if I traveled this far I was going to touch the waters...but only touch.  The stagnant water has to be contaminated with something because not even fish live in this water.  I am certain the situation was entirely different 2000 years ago.
We were the only group there at this early hour which our tour guide said is unheard of.  It was nice to be there with friends and be able to reflect without having to fight for space with other tour groups.
The signs were plenty of warning that we did not want to stray from our designated path.
Not a chance I am going to test this message!
Back on the bus we headed to our next destination, passing the Dead Sea which is the lowest point of sea level on the planet.  It is full of salt and all of the white areas along the shore are salt deposits.  Sadly it is rapidly evaporating and at some point due to lack of rainfall will totally disappear.
Next stop...MASADA.  This is a high, very steep mountain that overlooks the Dead Sea.
Today we scaled this mountain by the times of Herod the Great, they scaled this mountain by foot.  It is a mountain....a high, steep mountain where Herod  erected a luxurious fortress.
We examined every part of this fortress and by the standards of that time it was grand and extensive.  

The black markings in the photo below indicate the original wall as they stood.  Stones were added to bring the walls to the original heights.

The portion of the fresco on this part of the bathhouse wall is original.  Yes, this was on the wall at the time of Herod over 2000 years ago.  I would love to go back to that time period and just observe for a day.  What a different life they lived.  Opulence for those that ruled!
The view from the top over the side of this enormous mountain.  I simply cannot imagine getting supplies and people up the side of this mountain.
A map of the Dead Sea details the sights of our next...and last two stops of our trip.
A the almost end of this brutal day we got to swim in the Dead Sea.
The surface of this Sea is 1300 feet below sea level and the water is 35% salt.  That is 6 times as salty as the ocean!
The inviting thing about this dip in the Sea is the fact that because of the high concentration of salt you cannot sink in the water.  You are buoyant like a cork!  Try to sit and you pop to the top.
Rub the mud all over yourself and it is said to have healing properties.  
We tried it!  Results still under investigation.
Fun had by all....absolutely!
The beautiful view walking away from the Dead Sea.
One of my favorite parts of the trip.
On the way to our last stop we passed a typical nomadic village.  
Settlers literally just pitch tents, awnings, and metal buildings and live off the land.  They are not considered homeless. They are simply intense heat with no electricity, water, or other comforts.  These village are dotted all over the highways as you travel through the land.
Last stop...The Quamran.  This was a settlement of the Jewish Sect along the Dead Sea, where the Dead Sea scrolls were discovered in 1947.
This sight to was located outside in scorching heat.
Still remaining are ritual baths and extensive dining halls.
The cave in the side of the steep mountain indicate where the scrolls were located.
Finally back at the hotel after a long, hot day.
This is our last meal and we were given a cake by our nightly host at the hotel.
I am sad.
It has been such a beautiful trip and going through it day by day as I post all of this reminds we what a gift it was to be able to travel there with these people.
We enjoyed each other and shared so much.  
You do not walk such sacred places together and not bond with each other.  
This beautiful sight was our dining area each night.  We overlooked the walls of Jerusalem.
We talked, reflected, and laughed together.
We are friends with memories that we won't forget.
I will treasure this trip forever.
Suitcases are lined up ready to be loaded.
It is time to go home but it is hard to leave.
I am standing in the Holy land.  I never imagined being here.
I was here and what a gift it was.
Arrival at Tel Aviv airport at 3:00 am in the morning....almost 24 hours with no sleep and we have not boarded a plane yet.  It was a long journey but a trip I would take again, if I could wiggle my nose and get there!
Beautiful memories, better understanding of the words of the bible, and friends forever.
We will be back together.....
Italy 2016!!!!

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