Friday, August 28, 2015

She Is Off........

Yes, the day finally came and boy was she ready!
Mandy and Brooklyn had their mandatory get ready for school day...pedicure, lunch, shopping, and a movie night together with me enjoying this time with Finley.  Starting school for the first time necessitates some personal time with mommy!
 Monday morning finally got here.  Sadly daddy was in California doing his yearly two weeks military duty and missed out on sending his first born off to Kinder.
It makes me a bit sad...of course.  Those nights of random sleepovers and late nights watching movies and eating popcorn won't happen so much anymore.  Brooklynn is a school girl now and accepted that role with nothing but enthusiasm.
I sent four off to kindergarten and I do not remember being sad...
but this is different.
I worked in the school system for 23 years.  I know that the day does not always go perfectly, especially for those just beginning.  Who can I sit by at lunch, will I have someone to play with at recess, will I answer a question wrong and be embarrassed?  These things are tough for the tiny ones.
I worried about Brooklynn and walked in my mind with her all the way through the first I walked with her mom and Finley to pick her up in the afternoon.
All of my concern was for naught!  She was a superstar!
She walked out all smiles and could not wait to tell us about all of the rules!
So this was the beginning.  For the next 12 years she will spend her day with someone who will direct her life for 8 hours. Brooklynn will have those moments when she will have to depend on the values her mom and dad have taught her and make choices.  I am confident she will make good ones.  
She is a smart, energetic, and loving child who has a big heart. ...and a Gramma who thinks she will set the world on fire someday.

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