Wednesday, September 19, 2012


 It is that time of year again.  It is time to make the seasonal closet switch.  It is a right of passage that only a woman would understand.  I am sure when a mother gives birth to a daughter she provides wordly advice to guide her path as she matures:
*Look both ways before crossing the street
*Be true to yourself.
*Act like a lady.
*Chew with your mouth closed.
*Sit up straight.
*Always go out with your makeup on. You might run into your future husband.
*Don't jump off the bridge just because your friends do.
*Rotate the clothes in your closet each fall and spring!
Now, it is really not the correct weather for sweatshirts and sweaters just yet but it is time to weed out...or purge as I have always said.  As I brought home a few new shirts for the upcoming season I remembered the old adage...each time you buy something new get rid of something old.  It is not something I do often because if I did my closet would not still contain a white "prairie skirt".  I would not still have 20 pairs of black teacher pants, and I would no longer have culottes on hangers.  Today was the day.  I have a three foot pile of old, outdated clothing.  That is only one side of my closet and I have not hit the shoes either. My husband does not understand the need for such activity.  He wears the same thing 12 months a year.  Actually he would have worn the same thing for the last 42 years if I did not sneak in on occasion and purge his closet too. 
So I am half way there.  Tomorrow I just may wear something new....and someone somewhere may find my white prairie skirt in a second hand store and think it is a treasure!

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