Saturday, October 20, 2012

Turning Three!...

 How can it be that our precious Brooklynn has just turned three.  For a week before I actually prayed for the clock to slow down a little so that I could enjoy those last precious days of the terrible twos that were never terrible...only delightful!
 But the day came anyway and to celebrate a "CUPCAKE"s birthday nothing but a bakery would do. 
 A houseful of kids decorated, ate, decorated, and ate some more!!!
 It was the perfect day for lots of sugar and a backyard slide...what kid does not find that the best day ever!

Oh Brooklynn, if you only knew how much joy you brought to my life.  There simply are not words to tell you how blessed I have been since your arrival three years ago.  You are a bundle of energy that brings sunshine with you where ever you go. Your mind amazes me.  How can so much knowledge be contained in such a tiny little head?  You make me laugh every day.  And snuggles....a sleepover and those little arms wrapped around my neck is pure heaven. 
Happy birthday precious are a gift!

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