Friday, April 24, 2015

Weekly Report......

My family (i.e. Sara and Jimmy) took off early Monday morning for a little "cruise" on this very big ship!  I am totally opposed to traveling on one of these boats.  
A boat on the lake...of course!
A ship on the ocean...ummm NO!
I will not subject myself to any nano virus or stranded ocean liner, even if the trip free.
So...they took off for their vacation and I looked forward to mine, at home alone!
First planned activity..order new Yellow Box from Belk's.  It was time for their annual sale and the dozen pairs of flip flops I accidentally ordered over two years ago have seen better days.  
This time no mistakes.  Proper color, proper size, and just in time for summer.
 Next activity, totally unanticipated and unwanted....
a broken tooth.
Hidden inside this green box and nothing I want to share publicly is my front tooth that broke off at the gum line.
It simply snapped when I opened a bag of M & M's with my front teeth.  I didn't even lie to my dentist.  Up front and truthful, he did not even question me.  He did question how a paper bag of chocolate could cause $3875 worth of damage.
Me too!!!
Consequently, and sadly I spent about five hours of my vacation visiting two different dentists and it is not even fixed.  That is another story for next Wednesday and I just cannot wait. :(
 What else did I do for five days?
I watched it rain.  That enabled me to sleep late and clean more than I really wanted to.  
 I couldn't even plant the flowers that were part of the plan...
way too wet to dig in the dirt!
So I have about 24 hours left.
I am tired of eating alone.  I need someone to talk to, and as much as I like this big ugly dog he does not respond to much but food.
It is time for my family to come home....
We are lonely!!!

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