Wednesday, June 23, 2010

So This is Summer.....

I am now 18 days into my summer vacation but I am not sure I can label it "vacation" just yet. It has been 18 action packed days and though some of them have been nothing but fun, there is another side of my time off that has not felt much like rest and relaxation! Yes, this is our local DART rail line. I have never done anything but stop at the tracks and watch it go by until this week. Armed with my DART pass and a bag full of books I boarded this train at 6:45 each morning headed to downtown Dallas. I have arrived back at the Garland end about 12 hours later with the same baggage and a weary mind.
All of this travel to engage in higher learning skills so I can take on my new role as an AVID elective teacher. Learning looks much different here. I am used to recipes and measuring cups. This is Cornell Notes and Socratic Seminars. What you say...well, "what???" is what I said when these words were first thrown out. I am like a dear in head lights right now. I am beginning to question the sanity of my late in life career change.

So with my new site team members I learned to make Vin diagrams and whatever kind of learning posters these are called...right now the correct term leaves me, as do other sane thoughts that used to fill my scattered brain!!!
One of the real highlights of this week was a presentation by Fernando. He is one of our own North Garland students who was chosen to speak at the AVID luncheon. Fernando's essay was selected from more than 800 entered essays and I promise you when he talked about his educational experience in this program there was not a dry eye in the house. So while I am sitting here with aching body parts and an overloaded brain, I am excited because maybe one day I will have a Fernando standing on the stage that will make this whole new journey worthwhile.

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