Friday, October 15, 2010

My Favorite Season....

I LOVE this time of the year. It has been especially wonderful since I am working every other day and I can actually get outside and enjoy it...not just just stand in front of a window at work imagining how nice it must be outside.
Cool crisp temperatures, open windows and fall foods and flowers...
lead to ....
SEVERE allergies!!!

I cough, I sneeze, My ears are plugged, my eyes are red, itchy and watery and I am miserable. And so it seems to be every year at this time.

I make the expected trip to the pharmacy, pick up the medication...and pray. I pray that I can wander through the nursery looking for the prettiest pansies and fall colored mums without clawing my eyes out. I pray that I can sit through a high school football game without someone saying "God Bless You" so many times that I leave to give everyone some peace. I pray I can sit out side at night and enjoy the sunset without feeling like I have been run over by a truck full of wild flowers. It is a curse. It is the best time of the year and the highest pollen counts. Who is in charge of this? Could we please send the ragweed to the month of August when the heat is so intense you cannot got outdoors anyway. I think it should be on every politicians political agenda next month. If you can move it Mr. President, you get my vote.

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