Saturday, January 25, 2014


This is first hidden post.
What a sense of relief.
For the last six months this has been my idea.  I do not want to quit.  I feel like if I do I cheat any future grandkids out my view of life with them.  That may sound egotistic but I have recorded practically every event that happens with Brooklynn and now Finley.  Family times are in here.  
My erratic behavior is on the guy in the Target parking lot who took $205 to NOT fix my car.
I now have five printed books that document my life and in all honesty I don't want to stop....but I want to stop sharing.  I feel like there is a timeline on how many posts I fit in a month, how clever or creative they are and how many times I write down that my grandkids are the best.
Now it is for me....and my children because it will mostly be about us.  No invited visitors at all.
This will give my freedom to say that Brooklynn is a genius in every post if I want!!
And Drew and Heather when you reproduce, I want just as many recorded times spent with you babies on paper...forever.
As far as the world is concerned, I have retired my pen.  I feel so good about that.  It frees my mind to be more open about things....without being monitored.  Sometimes you just have to move to your comfort now.
No post for today...just the explanation of where this is going.  I know this is the right way to handle this.  I feel so much better about it already.
Ready, Set, Go.....
already prepared with things that have been flooding my mind!

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