Thursday, January 9, 2014

Where to Start?.....

It is put up...finally!  
Every year I seem to put the final remnants  of Christmas in the attic just a little bit later.  There are always segments of decor that seem to linger...the parts in rooms we do not use.  So what if the presents remain under the tree until January 5th?
  I really think the problem is, where to go with everything?  We keep accumulating and not purging.  It is always in with the new and never out with the old.  So, with the New Year comes the great clean out, and I promise you that when I took a look around my house I felt the need to hyperventilate in a brown paper sack.
Under the sink...ugly.  
I got a new dishwasher for Christmas.  It was a surprise, and for a girl who was ecstatic over a new weed eater one year, please know I took no offense to the fact that it was not BLING.  I would much rather have a dishwasher that did not leak than sparkly earrings!  But, what installation revealed under my sink was at least nine types of shampoo, five bug sprays and amounts of stuff I do not want to list here for public viewing.  Why, because I never dare to go more than one row deep when I clean.  So I purged...a garbage bag full of bottles and spray cans.
And then there are magazines....
and magazines....
and magazines....
and magazines
and more magazines.  
I have no reasonable explanation for the amount of magazines that are piled in my house. 
I do not read them.  I just order them.  Honestly, when they offer you a years subscription for $4.50  (a savings of 90% per issue), how can you refuse?  I apparently do not!
So, why do I have so many?   I do not ever read magazines any of the magazines. 
But, I save them because when I ride in the car I need something to do!
I know...I need therapy.
What I really need is to PURGE and rethink my need to either buy and/or collect anything that is on sale.
I have begun.  It is only a start.  It was not on my resolution list and it is a good thing, because just the word resolution means FAIL IMMEDIATELY to me.
I am determined and steadfast in my resolve to remove clutter.  I may be in the kitchen awhile, because while I am here I have a lot of magazines to read.

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