Sunday, June 29, 2014

All Synthetic......

 I am absolutely not a selfie fan!
 I laugh at people that constantly post selfies on their Facebook page....thinking if they need to take a picture find a friend with a camera....but that is just me. 
So here I am with my own selfie and it really took me a minute to figure out how taking a picture of yourself even worked!
The send my friend a picture of my new synthetic hair.  
We are going on a trip, to France, in three months.  While some people stress about finding the right wardrobe for the 10 day tour, my biggest worry is my hair.  I know...really???
My hair has always been an issue.  It is awful.  It is genetically awful.  My mom must have had bad hair because I really never remember her without her wig on.  So as I pondered a 9 hour flight, sleeping on the plane, arriving, deboarding, and immediately beginning to tour all I could think about is "what do I do with my ridiculously unmanageable hair???"
Yes, there are hats.  I am onboard with that but then at the end of the day you end up in a nice restaurant with unruly hat hair.
When I seriously say this has been keeping me up at night I mean it.  I want to enjoy my trip and not look like a wet rat in the rain.  So impulsively (as is the case with most things I do in my life) I got up one morning and googled wig shops.  If I can afford a trip to France then I can find some fake hair to make my stay stress free...and I did.  Within 5 minutes of arrival I had the hair of my dreams at about one tenth of what I thought it would cost and all of the instructions on how to keep it clean.  Dawn dishwashing liquid of course.  Surely that is what I would have gone with had she not told me!
I am like a person who has discovered freedom after years locked in a cell.  I can be up and out the door in the morning in about 20 minutes now!  I do not have to get up an hour and a half ahead of schedule to work with hair that will immediately deflate when I walk out the door.  That is priceless!
I gave the new hair a test run the other night.  You see, I am not going the way of using this as my permanent "do".  It is strictly my vacation security blanket.  But to be sure I was not going to totally scare anyone with the synthetic, I put it on and headed to church to see if my friends would stand in horror when I arrived.  It awkward "what the heck is on your head" stares.  No one even looked at me like they were at a loss for words.  Such relief!  
My new friend is now hanging on the vacuum handle in the closet.  I smile when I walk by because now all I have to remember is not to stand too close to any pizza ovens because if they open the door the synthetic will melt in an instant.  Heat is not the friend of plastic hair.  Guess I could get a spare to keep in my purse just in case.

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