Friday, May 30, 2014

Random Again.....

Sometimes I have those days when really strange stuff crosses my mind.....
like almost daily!
Rarely do I find it necessary to expound on random thoughts but today I have a list of things that I am really not fond of.
I have decided that social media is going to cause the destruction of society.
Lately I have found myself not liking people I like because of the stuff they throw out on Facebook.
I tried giving it up for Lent and failed miserably.  I bet if I tried again I would be successful.
I am guilty of posting "dumb" stuff, but there are those that really throw it all out there...and it is not entertaining.  So, I read it and go "really???", and am frustrated.  
And, I continue to do this??  Who is the "dumb" one here?
 Doing the dishes...a big HATE here.  Give me a vacuum and I am a happy person, but I simply cannot deal with the dishwasher.
The cabinet that always causes me to say the most bad words.

Now for the HAPPY!!!!!!!
the flower of my childhood that could make the worst day bright and make the best day totally awesome!!!
 My strawberry jelly making grand babies!!
It was an experiment...epic fail...and I blame it on bad pectin of course.
I love to be in the kitchen with these babies.
It is two loads of sticky dishes and a floor that may never be clean, but it makes me smile.
That in itself is the best reason to put away the phone and ignore the people on Facebook.  
Memories are not made on social media!

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