Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Move Over Julia Child!.....

To spice up a rather dull month the women were gifted with an outing to fine tune their culinary skills with a professional chef in the newly opened STIR CAFE.
Mistake number one on my part was mentioning that I was a Home Ec major and taught Food and Nutrition for ten years in high school.
That leads people to think I know something about cooking.
Nothing could be further from the truth.  Just about anyone can pick up a teacher guide and lead tenth graders through biscuit preparation!
I do not love being in the kitchen....and if tacos every night would work, I would be all for it.
I learned a few things however through those good old college days and my years in the classroom so when the chef threw out those magical words....
I was not fooled.
Yep, I know what that means...
everything in place, ready to go!
The thrill of watching my vegetarian type daughter in law handle a raw cornish hen was worth the price of admission!
Stir was a quite appropriate term for the twenty minutes it took to combine the ingredients for the chocolate mouse!  
Magnificent...and achievable!
I do believe I could actually "plate" this salad and serve it.
Presentation is half the battle.
There will come a day when I will actually put this on the table and stand back and take in the rave reviews.
For tonight I will just enjoy the fact that after two hours of preparation, I can sit down and enjoy in peace this perfectly prepared meal.  We did well...and most importantly ate well!!!!

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