Monday, December 28, 2009

Goodbye 2009......

Just sitting here thinking that another year has passed. This time it is more than another year, it is the end of a decade. The first decade of the 2000's is almost over. I can so easily remember the coming of the year 2000...Y2K, remember?? Stock up on everything, beware of outages, computer failures and so on. As I stood at a friends house wearing those crazy 2000 glasses (remember those?) and the clock struck midnight...NOTHING. It was just another New Year with no need for the 20 gallons of water you stored in the garage or the four dozen batteries you had on hand... just in case! And we all moved on in awe of the fact that it was now the 21st century. Now it is the end of the first decade of that century...way too quickly.

Looking back on 2009 there were wonderful moments. Highlights? Things that I love? Easy!.....

* Brooklynn Mae: This has to be the best event of a lifetime, with the exeption of the birth of your own children, and I do believe this is equally great. Nothing can compare with the feelings you have for a grandchild. Being there for her birth was a treasured moment and that we were all standing by as she entered the world was fantastic. Thank you Mandy and Tim for this gift!

*Drew's house: To see your youngest child accomplish the purchase of his first house is wonderful. I feel like we are home free. We have successfully watched all of our kids grow wings. Thank you Drew for becoming a homeowner and being where you are today!

* New York: My trip was way up there with one of the greatest weeks ever. The energy and excitement of the whole week is implanted in my memory forever. Yes, I am dying to go back but I am not sure anything will equal that first carriage ride through Central Park. I was the consummate tourist. Thank you Sandra and Mickey..the world's best hosts!

* My Web Page: Do not really care if anyone but me ever reads it. It is for me. It is my journal, my diary, my online scrapbook, my way to express or vent. I can take all of the random info that fills my head each day and actually put it down. It has enabled me to look for all the things that matter and record them. It has become therapy for me. Maybe when my kids put me in a "retirement home" I can entertain myself with my thoughts in print. Thank you Google Blogs!

*Friends: Wow, the older you get, the more you cherish the special people in your life. They have been with me through life's worst and the are they most valuable possession ever. I know that no matter how bad anything gets that they are there and you cannot replace or buy those people that are always by your side. Thank you friends!

*iPhones, Facebook and Skype: Instant connection with so many people. Never thought I would get so caught up in something like this. Need I say more???

I am sure there are many other things but these are the highlights and it has been a very good year! Looking forward now to 2010!

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