Saturday, March 13, 2010

You Might Be A Redneck If....

You park your smoker permanently in the front yard of your new house and sit on a bale of hay while your food cooks......

You wear your leggings, camouflage shorts, and flip flops while you prepare dinner....

Your neighbors stand in amazement at the fact that you will probably live there way longer than they would like and there is not a darn thing they can do about it.....

Yes, you might be a redneck if you are my son who prides himself in his smoked brisket, loves his truck, has a beer pong table mounted to the wall of his garage, wears a cowboy hat in the hot tub, and thinks his hard hat is what is making his hair fall out. But, given the chance to trade him in on a new model I just think I will hang on to him because he is my youngest child and has a heart unmatched by anyone else.

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