Wednesday, January 25, 2012

And The Rain's Came....

And they came, and they came, and they came some more. When I woke up this morning I expected to look out the window and see Noah lining up the animals in pairs in my backyard. It was a day the ark would have actually floated through the metroplex.
We have suffered through the worst draught in recent memory. Water is being rationed in areas and you have heard my sad stories of a summer with no lake water and absolutely no recreational watercraft used anywhere around. Our boats are landlocked and the marinas have shut down due to lack of business.
We have called upon every rain god known to man to send relief for this awful situation and in one fell swoop the prayers have been heard.
In a 24 hour period came more rain than has ever been recorded in the month of January. The day sent people scrambling for umbrellas and rain boots.
It left golf course personnel searching for a canoe instead of a golf cart to service the greens. Actually even a professional could not decipher the green from the fairway on this course. Yes, it is a golf course, not a lake and since I have not seen this much water where it is supposed to be let alone in the middle of what should be dry land I had to quickly access my always on hand camera. Sara was a bit skeptical as I rolled down the windows and stuck my camera outside to snap a shot...but it was something I could not pass up. Hopefully the run off is headed to Cedar Creek Lake. I would love to see this much water under my boat dock!

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