Monday, December 10, 2012

Oh, Yes I Did....

They say there is one born every minute...a sucker that is.  Well color me sucker written boldly across my forehead in scarlet letters.  Last Friday I fell victim to a true scammer lurking in the Target parking lot.  It was daylight. I was simply running in the store for a few necessities (on my 30 minute lunch break at work) when a Hispanic man by the name of Paul Steve (should have been the first red flag) wheeled up next to me in his red Camero.  He noticed the huge dent in my bumper (done last month when I ran into the fence) and wanted to fix it quickly and save me hundreds of dollars.  For a mere $200 he could pull out the dent while I shopped and it would be as good as new.  I paused....yes, I did give this some serious thought.  Then the magic line...."If it is not satisfactory, you don't pay me".  Well, how can I loose?  I ran in Target and came out to the worst mess I ever saw.  My bumper was covered in white caulking that made me want to cry.  However, there were now four very healthy Hispanic men in the red Camero. Yes, I complained about the mess on my car but he said if I merely waited six hours it would wash off and be perfect.  So do I pay and hope for the best or refuse to pay and pray that the four men don't take my purse and leave a crazed white woman laying face down in the parking lot crying?  Deciding to cut my losses I wrote a check and escaped as quick as I could.  Common sense says you cancel the check right?  That would be the smart thing to do' but when I called the body shop number he gave me the owner said not to worry he would  be out to my house to fix my car the next morning.  Well, guess where the owner was the next the hospital with a broken leg.  But don't worry, he will fix it when he gets out.   SUCKER....scammed again!  Steve Paul has my money. I have a huge mess on my bumper that a real body shop now has to fix and I am not going to even extend this story any longer by repeating the words that came out of my husbands mouth when I finally told him on Sunday (with company present) about my car.
Lesson learned friends. I have now done my Random Act of Kindness for the month.  All I hope is that his kids get some Christmas gifts and the local drug pusher is not making another sale.

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